Issue #99 Where does humanity stands on the scale of evolution?

Where does humanity stand on the scale of evolution?

In our 3rd book, a chapter is dedicated to where humanity stands on the scale of evolution. Of course, we do not imply exclusively the evolution on the physical, materialistic, level but implicitly from the spiritual level condensing the subtle bodies and going all the way back up to its divinity.

The two persons who wrote this chapter, Annie and Olivier have spent so far 10 years putting together an incredible body of information containing some 800 pages of research which they summarized in about 30 pages for our book. Just to give you an idea, the bibliography composing their research covers over two full pages of references which you will see at the end of their writing. Their chapter is so informative that it could easily become a reference for the future.  

Just to peak your curiosity, we are presently in the 5th culture of the 5th Race. The authors consciously chose to spell the word Race with a capital letter to distinguish it from the color races.

Human beings began their journey as a spirit-group consciousness living within God. Over many hundred thousand years their consciousness developed into instinct, feelings, as their bodies formed into the two sexes. Traditional science brings human history to about 12,000 years ago and that is simply from a material point of view. It took a long time from being androgynous living within God to reach the state of self-consciousness (the ego). Today’s humanity is at the level of analytical consciousness with the development of the intellect, abstract thought and reason yet it is only in the 6th Race that the fraternal consciousness, the development of the soul, where intuition and clairvoyance will guide human beings. And in the 7th Race, it will be the fusion with the Divine, human beings will attain full development of the Spirit and manifest as Divine creatures.

This wonderful chapter is illustrated by a comprehensive double page folding color chart, helping you see the whole evolutionary process.

You can buy your copy of A New Humanity is Rising at Banyen Books in Vancouver or from your favorite bookstore, through Balboa Press, Amazon or through us by emailing us at TheAquarianTeam ($19.95 plus shipping fee of $4.95)

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue #98 Hi-lite of our 3rd book

Hi-lite of our 3rd book

Now that our 3rd book is in circulation, we want to thank those who already ordered their copies and, if you have not yet, we give you an extension to FREE shipping ($5.00) within Canada until July 6, so do take advantage of this reduction which is about 25% of the cost of the book.
In our 3rd book, we covered many fascinating subjects and here, in this newsletter, we give a short synopsis of the content:

1st chapter by Pascale Frémond :  From the External Temple to the Temple within: all religions share a common element:  the light! How shall we work with this light to regain our divinity and feel all united?
2nd chapter by Carmen:  The Medicine of the Future: Light, Colors and Sound: with the progress of science, we are coming ever closer to the God particle. How to use more subtle elements to be healthy and vibrant?
3rd chapter by Dorette Chappuis: Finding a Balance Between the Masculine and Feminine Principles for a Harmonious Development: the whole universe is built on these 2 immutable principles and we have both within. How to find our own balance with this pair of complimentary opposites?
4th chapter by Annie Collet and Olivier Picard: Where Humanity Stand on the Scale of Perfection: From a thought in the mind of God to a physical manifestation back to becoming divinities, where do we stand now?
5th chapter by Carla Machado: The Importance of Prenatal Life for the Future of Human Civilization. An entire workshop condensed in this chapter. Discover how women hold the keys to transforming humanity?
6th chapter by Dorette Chappuis: Progressing with the Four Sacred Sciences.   Before the general sciences were discovered, the Initiates already used the four great sciences that govern the universe. What are they and how can we use them in our daily lives?
7th Chapter by Henriette Dufeu: The Awakened Human Beings will be the 3rd testament.  In the future, it will not be the diplomas that count the most but the behavior which is the result of “light” thinking and “love” feeling. What are the means and methods for becoming a model of perfection?
8th Chapter by Carmen: Prophecies and Beatitudes. From Edgar Cayce, Masters Peter Deunov and Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, read what is in store for the planet and its inhabitants. And a happy, glorious ending!
The book is selling for $19.95 with color pages (a wonderful schematic of human evolution. This chapter alone took over 10 years of research for the authors to put together.
REMEMBER: FREE SHIPPING UNTIL JULY 6. Pay by e-transfer or PayPal. Email us:
Enjoy this July month

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue #97 Taking the Sun as our model

Taking the Sun as our model

Before we begin the subject for this month, we are proud to announce that our 3rd book is finally off the printer. "A NEW HUMANITY IS RISING" It is very timely as humanity is going through a crisis like never before. In this book, you will discover where humanity stands on the scale of evolution, what are the four great sciences for our development, the medicine of the future, prophecies and much more! If you order your copy now we will SHIP IT FREE IN JUNE. Email us at, (Paypal and e-transfer accepted)

Now, let us go through with our theme for the month: sunrise. As the nice weather is upon us and Mother Nature is in full expansion, it is also time for us to expand our own consciousness through the sunrise practice.

Did you know that every great civilization on Earth and every Golden Age had a solar philosophy at its core? Be it Ram in India or Akhenaton in Egypt or the Aztec or Mayan empires, they all had the sun as model.
Why take the Sun as the model? Because it is the best representation of God we can imagine through its light as wisdom, its warmth as love and its life as bringing life. The sun shows us our inner trinity: mind, heart and will power (as life, movement, action.)
In this modern teaching that Master Omraam brings, he invites us to go to sunrise in the morning so we can become closer to our own divinity. By contemplating the sun, our inner life (our psyche) becomes modeled on it.  There are several exercises that we can do to enhance our work at sunrise such as meditation, contemplation and identification.
To attend sunrise, it is recommended to first begin by watching one’s thought because the mind likes to jump from one subject to another so it is best not to rush it. For a little while, just keep watching these thoughts go by like fleeting clouds, without giving them much importance. That way, the mind will slowly become calmer and then, you can give it the direction your want, such as meditation by going deeper into the meaning the sun brings to the inner life. Then you can move on to a peaceful contemplation which is more an activity of the heart, the feeling nature. You feel the generosity, the impersonality of the sun and you tell yourself that you would like to become like it. Another step is to identify with the sun by saying “I am that” and you immerse yourself in that state.
Attending sunrise is a fabulous exercise for our development and blossoming. We know that it is essential to nourish the body with food to survive but what about nourishing our soul and spirit? Sunrise brings that nourishment!
If you wish to read more about the importance of the sun, we recommended the pocket book entitled: “Towards a Solar Civilization”
 and for a more complete understanding: The Splendour of Tiphareth, the Yoga of the Sun”

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue #96 May, May I, May we, May they, May be!

May – May I, May you, May we, May they, May be!

May is such a wonderful month where Mother Nature is in full explosion. Just pronouncing the word May brings me to the following question: may I work on myself so that I broaden my consciousness? May you too be aware of your thoughts so the atmosphere around you gets clearer? May we join in wishing a better world? May they (humanity) be uplifted to the dimension of the soul and the spirit so we can live in harmony with Nature and the whole Cosmos?

May be? Why not, it begins with each and every one of us. Each time we decide to support a higher thought or feeling instead of a negative one, we already broaden our consciousness. That in return affects people around us and our daily tasks and activities. Now multiply this by everyone you know who is open and receptive to do this and the influence begins to reach the whole world by holographic effect.

Even more so if we consciously wish every day for a luminous humanity and a harmonious humanity, we would then co-create a Golden Age on Earth!

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue #95 Easter and Resurrection

Easter and Resurrection

We are a few days away from Easter with still enough time to prepare ourselves to feel this meaningful feast. Easter and sprintime is so favorable for ponder resurrection and feel regeneration. A time when nature bursts with life, when everything begins to vibrate anew.

Nature has always been the guide and teacher for the initiates, and they know how to use these forces to help them in their work. We too can do the same by adding our intention, our awareness of consciousness, so our body and our soul are vivified. For example, when you go outside, take a moment to observe what is going on in Nature and join the regeneration and growth process by saying something like: “As life flows in plants and trees, may divine life flow in my body, and as nature blossoms may my soul blossom with all the virtues and qualities.”

The Bible mentions the “resurrection of the dead” but are we to interpret this literally? Would all the corpses in cemeteries and ashes in urns come back to living bodies? Of course not. Only the living can be resuscitated and the living are the souls! In that sense, we can see that resurrection is a constant process of growth and development based on the law of reincarnation until we are perfected enough to be angelic.

Of course, it is a slow process but time is only a measuring stick in relation to matter. The soul and spirit live outside of time as we know it. Yet, while incarnated on Earth, we have the chance to consciously awaken the life of the soul and the spirit. How? By transforming our thinking, feeling and acting, by dying to the egoistic, self-centered personality (lower self) and waking up to our individuality (higher Self). Nature shows that through the chrysalis that transforms itself into the butterfly or the grain of wheat that dies in the soil to sprout and feed the many.

Through our thinking we can replace the dark cells with luminous ones by choosing better food for example. Through our feelings we can add more love (impersonal, unselfish, spiritual love), and through our acting, we can engage in activities that elevate our vibrations such as meditating on the power of the sun that bring more light, warmth and life at this time of the year.

Easter is a powerful opportunity for our blossoming, our regeneration and for nourishing our body of glory, that body of light and immortality, the body of Christ manifested.

Read more about the process of Easter in the pocket book entitled “Christmas and Easter in the Initiation Tradition” by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, available through or Amazon.

Happy Easter everyone,

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue #94 Why are we on Earth?

Why are we on earth?

Have you ever asked yourself the questions? Where do we come from? Where do we go after we die? Why are we on earth? Who am I?

Although most of us ask about those existential questions sooner or later, the answers are not easy and not too many are satisfied these days with the idea that it is the will of God!

The best answer to one or all of these questions would begin by acknowledging that we are not merely a baby that is born, grows, procreates and dies. That is too simplistic. Yet, if we accept that we are souls and spirits having a physical experience, it changes entirely the viewpoint on our existence.

The next step in answering what we are physically doing on earth is that we follow a cosmic and moral order that is governed by defined laws. We all know about the law of agriculture: you sow potatoes and get potatoes, not tomatoes! This law is also moral: you reap what you sow, and that is intellectually, emotionally and physically, no exception. So, we are following the process of evolution based on the cosmic moral principles and laws that apply to the entire universe.

When we emerged from our separation from God, it was to know ourselves through all the different planes of existence. So, from the atmic plane, down to the buddhic plane, down to the causal, down to the mental, emotional and eventually physical plane, we condensed into a body. Along the way, we forgot who we are because we became denser and denser, and then closer and closer to matter. The same principles and laws that govern the universe also governed our coming down to earth.

So, we are here to learn who we are, Gods! Yes, fully illuminated! Except that along the way, we have to repair for the mistakes we’ve made or are making along the way through sheer ignorance (literally, not knowing any better). But also, we are given the opportunity to find the best conditions for our development so we can hasten our expansion of consciousness or reintegration into our Divinity.

This is only possible with the law of reincarnation because hardly any of us could pay one’s entire karma in a single incarnation so we are given many many chances. During this process of evolution, we can be strictly subject to the law of necessity which means to go about life paying our debts and learning at turtle pace or be more conscious by making choices that give the soul and the spirit the nourishment they need so we rise above creating more karma. Great Initiates and Masters do not incarnate under the law of necessity, they do so under the law of Providence, they have attained a state of liberation and only come to serve humanity.

That is why, once we unravel the thread of knowledge and find answers to our existence, we begin to consciously weave the tapestry of our soul with harmony, beauty, bright colors and vibrant health.

Next Sunday, March 7, the Fraternal Forum will be studying the section that addresses Resurrection in preparation for Easter from the pocket book entitled: Christmas and Easter in the Initiatic Tradition. Whether you’ve read the book or not, you can join us on Zoom to participate or simply listen to the discussion. You can also order the book via or

Here is the link for the Zoom meeting:

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue #93 The Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius and the promise of a Golden Age

If we look at Aquarius as an astrological sign, we find that it ranges from around January 20 to February 20. It is defined as the Water Bearer. The only sign represented by a human being: an elderly man pouring water from an urn. What does the picture symbolize? The old man is wisdom, and the water of life he is pouring represents the knowledge that quenches the thirst of the soul and the spirit. So far humanity has developed intellectual knowledge but it has not brought them fulfillment because that knowledge does not teach them how to live (think, feel and act) even less about their subtle bodies. Those born under Aquarius are said to be progressive, independent, intelligent, unique, and idealistic. 

Illustration #10, Water bearer.jpg

Now, when we talk about the Age of Aquarius, we talk about entering the influence of a constellation for about 2160 years. Presently, humanity is ending the influence of Pisces and already feeling the influences of Aquarius. You may ask: How we do know that we receive such influences? Well, look at the Sun, its influence is undeniable from scorching heat to ice cold climate without taking into account its psychic influence. A constellation brings influences that may be subtle but also undeniable over the course of its duration. In the Age of Pisces, scientific discoveries were mostly in the area of water and navigation. Aquarius is about air: telecommunications, planes, rockets, etc.

Aquarius comes now as humanity is ready to move on to another level in their evolution. But it does not come easy because a gigantic, let’s say quantum, leap is required. Changes are hard as we are people of habits. Yet it is the challenges that bring athletes to surpass themselves and, as such, challenges can also help us by looking within to find the strength and direction to surpass ourselves. Resistance brings friction for sure, even upheavals in the established structures. It is up to us to choose to adapt to the new currents or break under the resistance. Welcoming Aquarius is also opening us to the influence of universality, collaboration and fraternity among human beings. It carries the promise of a Golden Age. Let us rise to the current challenges and welcome the future.

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

This article is based on the book entitled: A New Dawn: Society and Politics in the Light of Initiatic Science, available at or Amazon.

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue # 92 The first 12 days of the year

Januray 2021,  Issue #92                              The Aquarian Team Newsletter

How we begin the year is setting the tone for the year! 

In previous January issues, we mentioned that the first twelve days correspond to the twelve months of the year. For example, January 1st represents the month of January; the 2nd represents February; the 3rd, March and so forth.

This is why Initiates tell us the importance of living these twelve days in a conscious way so that we can benefit from a fruitful year!

So this year, we would like to suggest an exercise:  choose a different quality for each day and note it down in your personal journal that you keep in your night table. It is best to choose it and to write it down the night before so your subconscious can work all night on it. Upon awakening, note any dream that you had during the night. And during the day, pay attention to any situation that arises in relation to the quality you wrote down. This way, you broaden your awareness to capture the “coincidences” that the universe is putting in your path to confirm that the quality in question is relating to your request. Again, when you retire at night, note down those “coincidences” you experienced during the day and then choose the specific quality for the next day. And so forth for the 12 days.

When we talk about qualities, we refer to properties that belong to the soul such as: beauty, love, kindness, light, generosity, etc. Let your intuition guide you.

Once each month is over or before a new one begins, reread the notes you took for the corresponding day and see how accurate it is.

Before leaving you, here is a wonderful thought:

 “The Kabbalah mentions that a year is a living being, thus we can talk to it.  So, speak to the year that is ending and ask it to remember you. Since it is alive, it doesn’t remain inactive; it  not only recorded your acts but also your desires, your feelings, your thoughts. On the last day, it will give its report to the Lords of destinies and link you to the new year.”                                                                                                                                      Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Wishing you the very best for 2021 and hoping it will be a year of spiritual growth and accomplishment.

The 3rd book of The Aquarian Team is being finalized with Balboa:  "A New Humanity is rising". Order an early copy for only $15.99. It will retail for $19.99 cdn. once it is released. Send an email to:

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue # 91 Preparing for Christmas

December 2020,  Issue #91                              The Aquarian Team Newsletter

Preparing for Christmas 

During these very particular times when everyone’s freedom is affected by this pandemic, it is maybe a good opportunity to go back within and prepare for a different Christmas. Perhaps it is a time to re-evaluate our priorities, to find within a sense of stability by connecting to the divine, our own Self?

Originally Christmas was not meant to be a celebration of partying and buying expensive gifts but a time to celebrate the successful work of developing a new consciousness: the birth of the Christ consciousness. Christ is not a being but a state of awareness. Jesus was the man—an absolutely wonderful one for that matter—and the state of consciousness he reached at the age of 33 was the Christ consciousness. That is why he could say: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works”. The 'Me' in capital letter means it was not him as Jesus the man who was speaking but his higher Self as he embodied the Christ consciousness. Therefore, it was and is an invitation for us to attain that state of consciousness so we can do everything He did and much more. That is what is called the Second Birth or the birth of the Christ consciousness.

The Christ consciousness is our divine potential, it is our higher Self that seeks to manifest in our human consciousness. In our Christ self, we finally come to be not only in the image of God but also in His resemblance. It also means we can heal, enlighten, resurrect and co-create in full awareness. How can this be achieved you may ask? Well, it is the work that Initiates, Masters and disciples undertake: to work on their own matter, that is on their inner trinity: their intellect, heart and willpower in order to find the perfect balance between them. This trinity in balance is like a perfect crystal where all the colors are reflected, such as the qualities and virtues deposited in our soul and spirit. 

If you feel like spending some time preparing for Christmas, the participants of the Fraternal Forum from the USA and abroad will be studying the pocket book entitled “Christmas and Easter in the Initiatic Tradition” on Dec. 6 via Zoom on their Circle of Light gathering. You can participate or simply listen and feel inspired so your Christmas will be exceptionally de’light’ful this year!

Dec. 6, at 10:00 am PST or 1:00 pm EST Zoom link: The meeting will last about 1 hour.

On behalf of The Aquarian Team, I wish you a wonderful Christ - mass filled with new insights and blessings.

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue # 90 The two principles

Finding a balance between
the masculine and feminine principles  


In this issue you will have the privilege to get a preview of our next book:  A New Humanity is Rising.
The French manuscript is already with the publisher and the English should be out in December. In this coming book, we will cover some very interesting subjects such as: “From the external temple to the inner temple,” “Where is humanity on the scale of evolution,” with a fabulous schematic table explaining all the different humanities, “The medicine of the future,” which is quite interesting in this pandemic, “The new being shall be the 3rd testament” with several incentives for self-transformation, and so much more. In this present newsletter, we are presenting you a summary of the chapter “Finding a balance between the masculine and feminine principles for a harmonious development.”

“Let us begin with the following statement: there are two principles in the universe and in each human being. For convenience, they are named the masculine and the feminine principles. They are evident in all the expressions of the physical and psychic life.

Understanding these two principles is a quest. It is about achieving a balanced manifestation within, in our relationship with society, the environment and, on a broader scale, with the universe. It is about thinking with new criteria, new methods. A quote comes to mind from Albert Einstein who stated that a new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move towards higher levels. For Einstein, it was the most pressing question of our times. To achieve that, it is essential to understand the functioning of the feminine and masculine principles because it enables us to be the actors of our own lives. To be the creators of our own lives means, amongst other things, knowing how to bring about these two principles in the best possible condition for the realization of a thought, a desire, a project.

Understanding the importance and the issues of the masculine and feminine principle opens a pathway toward a state of plenitude. Indeed, today, it is imperative to prioritize communication between our inner self and our environment. Our ability to live not only on the horizontal but also on the vertical reveals the profound meaning of life.

The two principles are found in many cultures, traditions, philosophical or religious thoughts. Many names were used such as light and warmth, love and wisdom, the sun and the moon, Shiva and Shakti, God and Shekinah, Spouse and Bridegroom, gold and silver, spirit and matter, the Uncreated and the Created, the yin and yang, the anima and the animus, eros and the logos, sulfur and mercury or ‘solve et coagula’ in the alchemy tradition, the symbol of the red and white or again the symbol of the bread and the wine in the Last Supper.

We selected two traditions to introduce some aspects of the masculine and feminine principles: the Western Esoteric tradition and the alchemy tradition of the Great Work.”

This chapter was written by Dorette Chappuis from Switzerland who has a long list of qualifications and experience. And, if you can’t wait to read our 3rd book, we invite you to pre-order it for a special price of $10.CDN. Later on, it will be available for $15.CDN.  Take advantage of this attractive offer. Send us an email at:

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: