The Aquarian Team Store
$14.95 CDN
What the Future of Humanity could be!
Key aspects of society such as politics, economy, education, art, nature, the role of women/motherhood, etc. which are explored under the light of the Initiatic understanding of renowned Initiates, Sages and great Masters, particularly Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.
$14.95 CDN
Awakening, our soul journeys
In this book, we want to touch your heart and take you on our personal journeys, our soul's journeys as we reached a point in life when we questioned the purpose of our existence...when we felt there had to be more than merely eating, sleeping, working, raising a family and acquiring possessions.
$24.95 CDN
Louise-Marie Frenette
Louise-Marie spent over 10 years researching the life of the Master through interviews of people who knew him in Bulgaria and France and listening to thousands of lectures in which the Master told about his life. A MUST READ!
with English subtitle
Realized by Emy Tamko
scenario by Hubert Mansion
Produced by Gahamaé
This film was shot over 3 years on several continents and brings together his Teaching extracts and moving accounts of people who have, thanks to this Master, discovered their hidden dimension and deeper meaning of their existence.
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