Issue #93 The Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius and the promise of a Golden Age

If we look at Aquarius as an astrological sign, we find that it ranges from around January 20 to February 20. It is defined as the Water Bearer. The only sign represented by a human being: an elderly man pouring water from an urn. What does the picture symbolize? The old man is wisdom, and the water of life he is pouring represents the knowledge that quenches the thirst of the soul and the spirit. So far humanity has developed intellectual knowledge but it has not brought them fulfillment because that knowledge does not teach them how to live (think, feel and act) even less about their subtle bodies. Those born under Aquarius are said to be progressive, independent, intelligent, unique, and idealistic. 

Illustration #10, Water bearer.jpg

Now, when we talk about the Age of Aquarius, we talk about entering the influence of a constellation for about 2160 years. Presently, humanity is ending the influence of Pisces and already feeling the influences of Aquarius. You may ask: How we do know that we receive such influences? Well, look at the Sun, its influence is undeniable from scorching heat to ice cold climate without taking into account its psychic influence. A constellation brings influences that may be subtle but also undeniable over the course of its duration. In the Age of Pisces, scientific discoveries were mostly in the area of water and navigation. Aquarius is about air: telecommunications, planes, rockets, etc.

Aquarius comes now as humanity is ready to move on to another level in their evolution. But it does not come easy because a gigantic, let’s say quantum, leap is required. Changes are hard as we are people of habits. Yet it is the challenges that bring athletes to surpass themselves and, as such, challenges can also help us by looking within to find the strength and direction to surpass ourselves. Resistance brings friction for sure, even upheavals in the established structures. It is up to us to choose to adapt to the new currents or break under the resistance. Welcoming Aquarius is also opening us to the influence of universality, collaboration and fraternity among human beings. It carries the promise of a Golden Age. Let us rise to the current challenges and welcome the future.

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

This article is based on the book entitled: A New Dawn: Society and Politics in the Light of Initiatic Science, available at or Amazon.

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