Issue #95 Easter and Resurrection

Easter and Resurrection

We are a few days away from Easter with still enough time to prepare ourselves to feel this meaningful feast. Easter and sprintime is so favorable for ponder resurrection and feel regeneration. A time when nature bursts with life, when everything begins to vibrate anew.

Nature has always been the guide and teacher for the initiates, and they know how to use these forces to help them in their work. We too can do the same by adding our intention, our awareness of consciousness, so our body and our soul are vivified. For example, when you go outside, take a moment to observe what is going on in Nature and join the regeneration and growth process by saying something like: “As life flows in plants and trees, may divine life flow in my body, and as nature blossoms may my soul blossom with all the virtues and qualities.”

The Bible mentions the “resurrection of the dead” but are we to interpret this literally? Would all the corpses in cemeteries and ashes in urns come back to living bodies? Of course not. Only the living can be resuscitated and the living are the souls! In that sense, we can see that resurrection is a constant process of growth and development based on the law of reincarnation until we are perfected enough to be angelic.

Of course, it is a slow process but time is only a measuring stick in relation to matter. The soul and spirit live outside of time as we know it. Yet, while incarnated on Earth, we have the chance to consciously awaken the life of the soul and the spirit. How? By transforming our thinking, feeling and acting, by dying to the egoistic, self-centered personality (lower self) and waking up to our individuality (higher Self). Nature shows that through the chrysalis that transforms itself into the butterfly or the grain of wheat that dies in the soil to sprout and feed the many.

Through our thinking we can replace the dark cells with luminous ones by choosing better food for example. Through our feelings we can add more love (impersonal, unselfish, spiritual love), and through our acting, we can engage in activities that elevate our vibrations such as meditating on the power of the sun that bring more light, warmth and life at this time of the year.

Easter is a powerful opportunity for our blossoming, our regeneration and for nourishing our body of glory, that body of light and immortality, the body of Christ manifested.

Read more about the process of Easter in the pocket book entitled “Christmas and Easter in the Initiation Tradition” by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, available through or Amazon.

Happy Easter everyone,

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: