May – May I, May you, May we, May they, May be!
May is such a wonderful month where Mother Nature is in full explosion. Just pronouncing the word May brings me to the following question: may I work on myself so that I broaden my consciousness? May you too be aware of your thoughts so the atmosphere around you gets clearer? May we join in wishing a better world? May they (humanity) be uplifted to the dimension of the soul and the spirit so we can live in harmony with Nature and the whole Cosmos?
May be? Why not, it begins with each and every one of us. Each time we decide to support a higher thought or feeling instead of a negative one, we already broaden our consciousness. That in return affects people around us and our daily tasks and activities. Now multiply this by everyone you know who is open and receptive to do this and the influence begins to reach the whole world by holographic effect.
Even more so if we consciously wish every day for a luminous humanity and a harmonious humanity, we would then co-create a Golden Age on Earth!
Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team
If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: