Issue #98 Hi-lite of our 3rd book

Hi-lite of our 3rd book

Now that our 3rd book is in circulation, we want to thank those who already ordered their copies and, if you have not yet, we give you an extension to FREE shipping ($5.00) within Canada until July 6, so do take advantage of this reduction which is about 25% of the cost of the book.
In our 3rd book, we covered many fascinating subjects and here, in this newsletter, we give a short synopsis of the content:

1st chapter by Pascale Frémond :  From the External Temple to the Temple within: all religions share a common element:  the light! How shall we work with this light to regain our divinity and feel all united?
2nd chapter by Carmen:  The Medicine of the Future: Light, Colors and Sound: with the progress of science, we are coming ever closer to the God particle. How to use more subtle elements to be healthy and vibrant?
3rd chapter by Dorette Chappuis: Finding a Balance Between the Masculine and Feminine Principles for a Harmonious Development: the whole universe is built on these 2 immutable principles and we have both within. How to find our own balance with this pair of complimentary opposites?
4th chapter by Annie Collet and Olivier Picard: Where Humanity Stand on the Scale of Perfection: From a thought in the mind of God to a physical manifestation back to becoming divinities, where do we stand now?
5th chapter by Carla Machado: The Importance of Prenatal Life for the Future of Human Civilization. An entire workshop condensed in this chapter. Discover how women hold the keys to transforming humanity?
6th chapter by Dorette Chappuis: Progressing with the Four Sacred Sciences.   Before the general sciences were discovered, the Initiates already used the four great sciences that govern the universe. What are they and how can we use them in our daily lives?
7th Chapter by Henriette Dufeu: The Awakened Human Beings will be the 3rd testament.  In the future, it will not be the diplomas that count the most but the behavior which is the result of “light” thinking and “love” feeling. What are the means and methods for becoming a model of perfection?
8th Chapter by Carmen: Prophecies and Beatitudes. From Edgar Cayce, Masters Peter Deunov and Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, read what is in store for the planet and its inhabitants. And a happy, glorious ending!
The book is selling for $19.95 with color pages (a wonderful schematic of human evolution. This chapter alone took over 10 years of research for the authors to put together.
REMEMBER: FREE SHIPPING UNTIL JULY 6. Pay by e-transfer or PayPal. Email us:
Enjoy this July month

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: