Issue #94 Why are we on Earth?

Why are we on earth?

Have you ever asked yourself the questions? Where do we come from? Where do we go after we die? Why are we on earth? Who am I?

Although most of us ask about those existential questions sooner or later, the answers are not easy and not too many are satisfied these days with the idea that it is the will of God!

The best answer to one or all of these questions would begin by acknowledging that we are not merely a baby that is born, grows, procreates and dies. That is too simplistic. Yet, if we accept that we are souls and spirits having a physical experience, it changes entirely the viewpoint on our existence.

The next step in answering what we are physically doing on earth is that we follow a cosmic and moral order that is governed by defined laws. We all know about the law of agriculture: you sow potatoes and get potatoes, not tomatoes! This law is also moral: you reap what you sow, and that is intellectually, emotionally and physically, no exception. So, we are following the process of evolution based on the cosmic moral principles and laws that apply to the entire universe.

When we emerged from our separation from God, it was to know ourselves through all the different planes of existence. So, from the atmic plane, down to the buddhic plane, down to the causal, down to the mental, emotional and eventually physical plane, we condensed into a body. Along the way, we forgot who we are because we became denser and denser, and then closer and closer to matter. The same principles and laws that govern the universe also governed our coming down to earth.

So, we are here to learn who we are, Gods! Yes, fully illuminated! Except that along the way, we have to repair for the mistakes we’ve made or are making along the way through sheer ignorance (literally, not knowing any better). But also, we are given the opportunity to find the best conditions for our development so we can hasten our expansion of consciousness or reintegration into our Divinity.

This is only possible with the law of reincarnation because hardly any of us could pay one’s entire karma in a single incarnation so we are given many many chances. During this process of evolution, we can be strictly subject to the law of necessity which means to go about life paying our debts and learning at turtle pace or be more conscious by making choices that give the soul and the spirit the nourishment they need so we rise above creating more karma. Great Initiates and Masters do not incarnate under the law of necessity, they do so under the law of Providence, they have attained a state of liberation and only come to serve humanity.

That is why, once we unravel the thread of knowledge and find answers to our existence, we begin to consciously weave the tapestry of our soul with harmony, beauty, bright colors and vibrant health.

Next Sunday, March 7, the Fraternal Forum will be studying the section that addresses Resurrection in preparation for Easter from the pocket book entitled: Christmas and Easter in the Initiatic Tradition. Whether you’ve read the book or not, you can join us on Zoom to participate or simply listen to the discussion. You can also order the book via or

Here is the link for the Zoom meeting:

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: