Issue # 89 Feast of St Mikhael

Feast of Saint Mikhaël

Our October newsletter is reaching you earlier this time because, as we are now into the Fall equinox, we thought it was most appropriate to share with you the role of Archangel Mikhaël into this celebration.  

If you enjoy reading this text, you may also want to join the Fraternal Forum presentation that will be hosted on YouTube Sunday Sept. 27 at 10:15am Vancouver time or 1:15pm Toronto time. It is a 45 minutes special presentation with a video from Bonfin in the South of France, a laser meditation, songs, excrepts regarding the role of Archangel Mikhaël and meditative music to stimulate your imagination.You will find the link below:

Here is a sample of that presentation:

“It is the Archangel Mikhaël who has the principal role to play in the purification of the earth. In the course of the centuries, a multitude of evil beings have inundated the earth with immensely destructive forces. These forces have accumulated in a vast reservoir and have taken the form of a monster known as the Dragon or Serpent. This is the Dragon which is said to seduce the nations and mislead the children of God and to be the cause of all the sufferings of mankind. It is a prodigiously powerful egregor. There have been men of great self-abnegation and courage who have thrown themselves into a struggle to the death against this monster, but to this day none has vanquished it. When the time is ripe however, St Mikhaël will rise up and defeat it.  The Archangel Mikhaël is the only one capable of defeating this egregore. He and his heavenly hosts will answer the prayer that multitudes have addressed to the Lord for centuries. His victory has been foretold in the Apocalypse and other books of Sacred Scripture. For this reason we should link ourselves to St Mikhaël and ask him to protect us and allow us to unite our efforts to his in order to strengthen his victory.”
                                    Excerpt from Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, 100 Anniversary book published by Prosveta
“True thinkers are the servants of Mikhaël whom they consider to be the regent of cosmic thought. Mikhaël delivers thought from the yoke of the brain and opens the way for the heart. He releases enthusiasm in souls. To understand this is to welcome Mikhaël into our inner life.  Thoughts which reach out to grasp the spiritual must emanate from hearts which beat for Mikhaël. The Mikhaëlic age demands that we recognize the concrete nature of spiritual reality. We have to understand what man will be in the future, that is, to think in a Mikhaëlic mode.”
                                     Excerpt from Rudolf Steiner, lecture given at the Goetheanum in 1924

May you receive the kiss of Archangel Mikhaël to set ablaze the sacred fire of divine love in your soul.

Link for Sunday Youtube meeting:
Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

Issue # 88 Let water flow

Let water flow!

Looking at Mother Nature, we notice that wherever water finds its way, plants soon appear then trees where birds will come to sing and make their nest, and human beings in particular who so enjoy living by a water course, be it a river, a lake or the ocean. As long as water is flowing, life finds its place.  No one needs to tell the plants where to sprout or the trees where to put their roots. Water attracts life and everything finds its place to growth.  
This is very symbolic and also meaningful for our own development, our growth and blossoming. Initiatic science teaches us that by observing nature we can find the correspondences in our own life.
So what does water symbolize? It is love. Not love known as attraction, infatuation or sexual activity but rather an attitude. The correspondence to water in our life could be that we are more open-minded to change, to a difference of opinion, to unexpected news for example.  Letting love flow allow things to fall into place more easily than when we resist or worst when we create a barrage because that can result in a flood of emotions and possibly disaster.
Like water, love is powerful. It knows how to let life organize itself. By trusting the process with the right attitude we will have a better chance to see new growth, new opportunities and soon we will be singing like birds.
As we begin a new month, maybe we can keep in mind this inner attitude of letting water flow!

Happy September 

Coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

This text was inspired by the pocket book entitled "The Living Book of Nature" by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.

Issue # 87 Reaching Universal Consciousness

August 2020,  Issue #87                               The Aquarian Team Newsletter

Reaching universal consciousness


Of the different kingdoms, we are somewhere above the animals and below the angels. All kingdoms are endowed with consciousness but at different levels.
The mineral kingdom has a consciousness but one that vibrates very slowly although some stones have very beautiful properties like precious stones, diamonds yet, they cannot move on their own, etc.
In the vegetable kingdom, the sensitivity is increased, some close and open up to the sun or to insects.
In the animal kingdom, the domesticated animals are even more sensitive and aware to the point of responding to their master.
Amongst the kingdoms stated so far we, human beings, are the most awakened. We have a broader degree of consciousness and free will. Of course this free will depends on the awareness of consciousness and the ability to make choices. By assuming the pros and cons of our decisions we can choose the best and therefore creating better conditions. In that sense, we truly are the makers, co-creators. When we are not fully aware in consciousness, we may be asleep like unconscious or tied to the subconscious like operating from habits, patterns, and reactions; of course, what we create then is not always luminous. When our awareness of consciousness is developing, becoming more lucid and altruist our creations also become more splendid.
Now, in the angelic kingdom, is an entire hierarchy of beings who have reached superior levels of consciousness from ours. They experience a totality of “beingness” that is so vast, so broad; we have no inkling of their far reaching influence. Their only wish is to keep expanding until they merge with the universal life, with God and they accomplish this through service and love. They experience superconsciousness.
How can we expand our awareness of consciousness, you might ask? Can we reach superconsciousness as human beings. Well, there are many exercises that help expanding our consciousness such as reading uplifting books, focusing the mind on a sublime subject through meditation or contemplation, holding and nourishing a high ideal like becoming our Higher Self. Superconsciousness requires purity, disinterestedness and self-mastery which of course is possible for those who have long prepared themselves for it.
The best is to begin right where we are at the moment; that means to wish for a broader consciousness and to work for it. What we will find on the way of that expansion is happiness because in this expansion, we will feel more and more connected to everything else, entering in communion with the whole. The secret to expand one’s consciousness is to love, a vast, pure, encompassing and universal love. Then everything will be granted in surplus: happiness, fulfillment and bliss!

Happy month of August everyone.

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.


If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue # 86 We are heirs of the Lord

July 2020,  Issue #86                               The Aquarian Team Newsletter

We are all heirs of the Lord

This past Sunday, I was doing the interpretation of a video lecture of Master Omraam via FreeConferenceCall for the English brothers and sisters throughout the world and realized it would be the perfect subject for our July newsletter.

Did you know that we are all heirs of God’s many riches? We are all a spark of His very essence as His sons and daughters, He has bequeathed all His gifts, talents and virtues except that we may not have realized that fully yet.
The Master told the story about a wise King who, in the old days, sent his son to a village amongst peasants in order to be educated, get up early and work hard without knowing he was from a royal family. The peasants in the village had sworn to secrecy about his true origin. When he became an adult, he was brought back to the palace and to his great amazement discovered the truth. He thought he was living the tale of a Thousand and One Nights. What he had learned amongst the villagers and farmers was most useful. He was a good judge of people’s character, understood their difficulties and suffering. He became a very good King and ruler himself.

The analogy is that we too are heirs of God's riches but we do not have the aweness of it. When we lose the connection, the link with our celestial origin, and become more entrenched in material life with possessions, acquisitions, commanding, organizing life down here without giving much attention to the higher spiritual realms, we become heavy, dull, without inspiration and even discouraged.

On the other hand, when we establish the link with our divinity, with God, we rise over sorrows, sadness, difficulties and frustrations. In these higher realms, we experience a broadening of our consciousness, an expansion, we taste true happiness, feel swollen with joy and enthusiasm. 

The Master mentioned that in India they have a very wise saying:  “I am He” which means that on our own, separated from our divinity, we are nothing but by identifying with Him, we possess everything that He is. By repeating this saying over and over, like a mantra, we invite Him to come and dwell within us bringing all His heavenly gifts along.

(Based on the July 16, 1981 lecture given by the Master at Bonfin, the Brotherhood international centre of congress in the South of France.)

Happy July everyone.

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue # 85 Fear or Faith

Choosing fear or faith

Going through this pandemic brings us to face certain realities: instability, changes, fear. The physical confinement, social restrictions, interruption of our routine is challenging us to go within in more than one way. Do we stand in fear or faith?

There are all kinds of fear: fear of the unknown, fear of shortages, fear of darkness or fear of tomorrow. There is also fear that sometimes protects us from dangers which is then a very good thing. The fear we are talking about here is the fear that consumes us. The more we give power to that kind of fear the more it controls us. So you may ask: how does one overcome fear then? By faith.

Before we cover the subject of faith, let’s look at the difference between belief and faith from the point of view of the Initiates so that we build a position of stability. 

Belief is based on personal convictions coming from the exterior or the surface of one’s observation. Take for example an accident: someone will say “I believe that what happened is this and that” and goes on explaining. May be this observation is incomplete and falls short of the actual reality. People often say “I believe this or that” and shortly after, having more information or experience, their belief no longer stands as they change their opinion or point of view.

Whereas faith as understood by the Initiates is based on knowledge, not merely an intellectual knowledge learned from books, even sacred books, but from knowing the laws, the cosmic, eternal laws that govern all kingdoms from the mineral all the way to the Godhead. These laws are as real to the Initiates as the laws of agriculture: you sow seeds of tomatoes and expect tomatoes, not potatoes. It is an assurance. A know fact.

Faith is a force that comes from within, from the centre, from spirit. It comes from the application of a knowledge that is stable, powerful and always present at work. Faith is a nurturing invitation to grow, surpass ourselves, become a better, more stable person and live a more harmonious life. With faith there is a trust that goes beyond matter and the materialistic point of view. It is an unshakable trust in the Divine Order of things and it guarantees victory over fear, it brings assurance and peace.

In my personal experience, when fear shows its head, I sometimes take it on a ride and push it to its limits. I talk to it as if I was talking to my personality (the lower self):  “OK, you are scared of this or that but what if society crumbled, government, airlines, financial system and all? What if the whole planet shifted on its axis? What if all of humanity disappeared? The truth is that I am a soul, a spirit, and nothing physical can destroy that reality. On this earth system or elsewhere, I am and therefore I shall be.” Facing this ultimate truth, my fear retrieves in a corner and stays quiet for a while! 

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

This subject as inspired by "The Faith That Moves Mountains" available on Amazon:
If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue # 84 Full moon of May, Vesak time

May 2020,  Issue #84                              The Aquarian Team Newsletter

Full Moon of May: Vesak time

We are presently moving towards the full moon of May (the 7th in North America) and it is a very auspicious time of the year called Vesak.  When the sun is still in Taurus, the great Initiates and Masters from all over the world gather in a sacred place in the Himalayas to synchronize with the impulsion of Mother Nature and its laws to do their work so it can bear the best results.

And what is their work? To give birth to the highest and most exalted thoughts and feelings to shower over humanity. Like zillions little particles of light they sow these seeds in the soil of our souls. Their work is always to uplift human beings to a higher consciousness and bring them to their divine potential. This prolific time of the year is so perfect for them to do this work and they know how to use the power of Nature to support their lofty goal.

Whether we have the ability to join them in our astral body or in thoughts this year, the important thing for is to try to connect with them so we receive particles of their glorious emanations and work.

We can do so by preparing days in advance like praying or meditating, consuming less food, even fasting on the eve and day of the full moon, and most importantly to maintain a state of harmony. Master Omraam goes as far as recommending that we should not wear any metal the night of the full moon such as pins, belt buckles, hooks, rings, watches or coins on us so as to NOT disturb our receptivity.   
To conclude, here is a very nice excerpts that fits the occasion:

"Each one of you has the possibility of becoming a benefactor of mankind. By projecting your thoughts into the farthest reaches of space, you can send out messages of light to help, comfort, enlighten, and heal others. He who undertakes this work knowingly and deliberately, gradually penetrates into the mysterious arcana of divine creation."   excerpt from the pocket book entitles "Powers of Thought" by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue #83 World Mass Meditation

March/April 2020,  Issue #83      

The Aquarian Team Newsletter

World Mass Meditation

This is a call to all those who aspires to a better world to unite and form a fantastic laser of light to uplift humanity.
Indeed, from April 4-5 the powerful alignment of Jupiter – Pluto begins following by the triple rare conjunction of Saturn –Jupiter – Pluto.  It is an opportunity that only happens every 700 years.  

On April 4th, a powerful window of astrological ascension will open up.  Legions of luminous beings are entering the galaxy to flood it with a wave of light (5D gamma).

Let us unite in a mass participation of hearts and spirits, and join millions of points of light to anchor energies of peace, harmony, healing, abundance and freedom.

Mass meditations mean the more participants, the faster and more evident the results will manifest to change the general human consciousness. It is the key to our liberation and the quantum leap humanity needs at present.

Whatever our belief system, religion or spiritual practice, let us unite and hold the light in our consciousness during 20 minutes on April 4th at 19:45 PDT (click on link below to find your time zone) thus by using our thoughts and feelings in a synchronized action, meditating on the light, we form  a powerful laser over the entire world to change the present situation on Earth and bring order, peace, harmony and healing.

If you want to learn more about the power of the laser as a meditation, read the book entitled "Light is a Living Spirit" by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.

If you wish to find out more about this mass meditation, follow these links or look on Youtube as there are many groups inviting you to meditate with them:

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

Excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue #82 Let's talk about love

February is Valentine month. Lets talk about love

Love has been talked about and sung through the centuries by poets, troubadours, writers, clergy people and by everyone us for that matter.

It is said in the Gospels that we should love God with all our heart, our soul and our spirit as we love our neighbors and ourselves. Nowadays, we can say that people love themselves enough to please themselves in as many ways as they can but is that what loving oneself means? Loving our neighbors may be easy enough if we are in affinity with them. And as for loving God, it remains very subjective depending if we believe in his Being or not.
How do great Initiates and Masters understand that passage of the Gospels? Well, they know that  everything in the universe is based on the two principles: the masculine and the feminine. That these two principles are respectively emissive and receptive and that they are indispensable to each other, equally important and with each their own role and purpose. Science recognizes those in nature as electricity and magnetism. Every creation requires the participation of these two principles.

Now, to understanding why loving oneself is so important we then have to know that originally, we were created as androgynous beings but in descending into matter, we became separated from the other pole of ourselves which stays on High while we are down here, incarnated. So, when we seek a partner or a soul mate, what we are looking for is the other pole of ourselves. It is our higher Self and it watches over us, inspires us to grow and develop. So when we seek love from a partner, we seek that which we miss in ourselves because we yearn to fuse and become one with that missing part of ourselves, our other half, so to speak.
People are often disappointed in their love affairs and keep changing partners in the hope of finding the right one. It is as if they knew that someone “perfect” existed to fulfill them. Cosmic Intelligence put that desire to fuse with someone as a reminder that we are incomplete until we find the connection with our other half within, otherwise we may always be deceived. So to love oneself is to love our higher Self with the desire to fuse and become one again!

It is said there are 40000 shades of love, from the very base, sensual to the most sublime, divine aspect. Sublimating one’s love means to give it a higher vibration, to link our partner with the Celestial Father or the Divine Mother because it is that sublime aspect that we seek within ourselves. Then, there would be a feeling of great fulfilment, an endless source of rejoicing.
That is why the very advanced souls, like Initiates and Masters, do not marry or seek a partner because they found their partner within. They have both the feminine and masculine aspects fully blossomed within. They know how and when to use each principle to accomplish their mission on earth.

If the subject of love and sexuality interests you, we invite you to read the two volumes dedicated to that subject by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov. There is also even an entire chapter about soul mates.

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

Issue #81 A new beginning sets the tone for the year!

January 2020,  Issue #81                 

The Aquarian Team Newsletter

A new beginning sets the tone for the year!

You know the expression “to get up on the wrong side of the bed” and things go wrong from there on until one pays particular attention to make things right again!

Well, since we are beginning a New Year, why not pay attention to details like the initiatic tradition recommends. That means in a way that includes the best of our self: our soul and our spirit through nurturing a high ideal (visualizing our divine Self in action); the best of our thoughts, feelings and actions (with kindness, harmony and altruism).

And, if we can do that for one day, why not maintain this vigilance for the first 12 days since they represent the 12 months! That means we are setting the tone for the whole year: a year with a perfect 2020 vision, the vision of our true self, our higher Self.

Actually, doing this work is nurturing the seed of The Kingdom of God and that Kingdom is in fact our own state of consciousness. It is not a place or a location outside of us but within our own awareness. Do we wish for peace, love and harmony? Let’s begin with our own sphere of existence, our own thoughts, feelings, behavior and also with our subtle bodies through visualizing the light emanating from us and spreading around us to our environment, family, colleagues, city and country until the whole planet and universe is bathing into this light! It is some of the greatest work of white magic!

Happy New Year and year 2020. May sublime realizations move your entire being.

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

This newsletter is based on the teaching of Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov 
If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube:

#80 Christmas is not just an historical event but also a cosmic and mystical one.

December 2019,  Issue #80                               The Aquarian Team Newsletter

Christmas, is not just an historical event but also a cosmic and mystical one.

In a previous newsletter, we covered the some of the 4 cardinal Feast like St. Michaelmass and Easter. Today, we will talk about another cosmic Feast, that of Christmas. These Feast where the Sun travels through the 4 cardinal points are strategically important because all the planets, all nature and humanity benefits from the forces and energies released at these specific times.

The birth of Jesus on December 25 may be an historical event, true, and it is symbolically important because it is just past the winter solstice when finally the days see increasingly more light. Indeed, until the solstice, the days were shorter and the nights were longer representing the gestation time where in the dark a being is preparing to emerge for its birth. So it is no wonder that December 25 represents a new birth where new life, new light emerges.

Primarily, this event takes place on a cosmic level as the birth of the Christ principle. Everywhere in the cosmos a powerful wave of energies flood the entire space and there is rejoicing amongst the Angels and superior Beings.

And Christmas is also a mystical event because, if we are consciously working on ourselves and seeking to develop the sleeping divinity within, in our soul, we can give birth to this Christ consciousness. So even before Christmas was an historical event, it was a cosmic event and a mystical event. All great Initiates know that, see that in the cosmos, and invite everyone of us to give birth as the love, light and sacrifice that the birth of Jesus represents. 

Realizing that Jesus was the man born on December 25 but the Christ consciousness is not a man, it is a cosmic principle that Jesus embodied and each one of us have the potential to reach that Christ consciousness.

To each and every one of you, on behalf of The Aquarian Team, we wish you a very merry Christ consciousness.

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

This newsletter is based on a lecture given by Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov on Dec. 25, 1958.
You can view and hear the lecture on youtube: