Issue #99 Where does humanity stands on the scale of evolution?

Where does humanity stand on the scale of evolution?

In our 3rd book, a chapter is dedicated to where humanity stands on the scale of evolution. Of course, we do not imply exclusively the evolution on the physical, materialistic, level but implicitly from the spiritual level condensing the subtle bodies and going all the way back up to its divinity.

The two persons who wrote this chapter, Annie and Olivier have spent so far 10 years putting together an incredible body of information containing some 800 pages of research which they summarized in about 30 pages for our book. Just to give you an idea, the bibliography composing their research covers over two full pages of references which you will see at the end of their writing. Their chapter is so informative that it could easily become a reference for the future.  

Just to peak your curiosity, we are presently in the 5th culture of the 5th Race. The authors consciously chose to spell the word Race with a capital letter to distinguish it from the color races.

Human beings began their journey as a spirit-group consciousness living within God. Over many hundred thousand years their consciousness developed into instinct, feelings, as their bodies formed into the two sexes. Traditional science brings human history to about 12,000 years ago and that is simply from a material point of view. It took a long time from being androgynous living within God to reach the state of self-consciousness (the ego). Today’s humanity is at the level of analytical consciousness with the development of the intellect, abstract thought and reason yet it is only in the 6th Race that the fraternal consciousness, the development of the soul, where intuition and clairvoyance will guide human beings. And in the 7th Race, it will be the fusion with the Divine, human beings will attain full development of the Spirit and manifest as Divine creatures.

This wonderful chapter is illustrated by a comprehensive double page folding color chart, helping you see the whole evolutionary process.

You can buy your copy of A New Humanity is Rising at Banyen Books in Vancouver or from your favorite bookstore, through Balboa Press, Amazon or through us by emailing us at TheAquarianTeam ($19.95 plus shipping fee of $4.95)

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: