#129 Solar Sivilizations and the Golden Ages

Solar Civilizations and Golden Ages

Did you know that all past solar civilizations were based on a solar philosophy?
In the past, there were civilizations who, led by great beings, lived in harmony and prosperity.
Such was the case of RAM in India who brought a Golden Age of justice and happiness by getting rid of the world of vices and the wicked. It is said he was the solar incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Same took place in Egypt with the sun god RA and again throughout South America with their Sun gods. Their philosophy was based on a solar approach and they prospered for many hundreds of years, if not thousands, accomplishing marvels that we still do not fully understand in our sophisticated industrial era.
If the sun took such an importance for those civilizations it is because our own structure follows that of the sun and the whole universe for that matter.
What allows life to exist on earth is because the sun brings its light, warmth and life. Without the sun, no life! We are also composed of these 3 fundamental elements: light as our intellect that can reason; warmth as our heart that can feel and life as our willpower that brings actions/manifestations.  
What defines us as human beings is our ability to think, feel and act.
The sun represents the Divine and expresses itself through its trinity. And so are we: our higher Self is our divine Self that expresses itself through our trinity of intellect, heart and willpower; maybe not at a sublime level yet but in potential.
The Hindu philosophy calls the era in which we live the Kali Yug. An era of iron, of descent into matter, of materialization so we get to know ourselves better but on the way, we forgot our divine Self.
It has been predicted that the next era will be a Golden Age because the constellation Aquarius is upon us and it brings new currents, new ideas, new ways to usher our development and evolution.
When humanity accepts the new solar philosophy that the sun teaches us, it will unite all people on earth. No more wars, no more separation or division, no more religious labels. We will recognize each other as brothers and sisters of the same Father and Mother Nature. As promised by all great Teachers of humanity, a new dawn is rising and a Golden Age is coming. Let us be part of making this earth a Garden of Paradise.

We invite you to watch a new series on OMTimes TV entitled:Towards a Solar Civilizationwith a first episode:Science of the Initiates:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx1hBQiBvFg&t=214s

The above text was inspired by the following books:"Towards a Solar Civilization" https://www.amazon.ca/Toward-Solar-Civilization-Omraam-Aivanhov/dp/0911857001
and by"A New Dawn: Society and Politics in the Light of Initatic Science":  http://https://www.amazon.ca/COMPLETE-WORKS-NEW-DAWN-VOL/dp/2855667771/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1HKZYTE3X34FP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ecpo8baTsouzAP9Ph-BIpujCDb3150wsrxmJdIGoZ_IFXSvvbQLMuXxdCO9jx-8-._0pPiN12uQN77OJF-n2MviNR6Tv0sy_vqLqclJoiZuo&dib_tag=se&keywords=A+new+Dawn+Society+and+Politics+in+the+Light+of+Initiatic+Science&qid=1709238509&s=books&sprefix=a+new+dawn+society+and+politics+in+the+light+of+initiatic+science%2Cstripbooks%2C128&sr=1-4

#128 Love as a spring flows

Love as a spring flows

The month of February is often associated with love due to Valentine’s day.
We can think of love as a fresh water spring that keeps its water flowing and stays limpid. People ask to be loved but are they able to love as much as they want to be loved? These expectations more than not bring disappointment and suffering.
If we are to imitate a spring, it does not ask if we like it or not, it just keep flowing and that’s what protects it from accumulating impurities.
Also, if we want our love to keep flowing why not connect the ones we love to the Source! Yes, the Source on High and think of that love not as ours but as flowing through us towards our loved one. And when we receive love from our beloved, instead of keeping for ourselves, why not inwardly share it will all humanity so it does not stop with us but keeps flowing. It is our limited self that wants it all for itself whereas our higher Self is always willing to share and expand. By tending towards something greater than us, something vaster, we reach out towards spirit and spirit is one with everything, so in fact, that love comes back to us amplified and purer because of that impersonality.


Carmen for The Aquarian Team

If you wish to read the Thought of the Day for free, you can read it daily on the following website or receive it by email for free everyday: https://www.prosveta-usa.com/

#127 The first 12 days of the New Year

The first 12 days of the New Year

A New Year is upon us and as we say goodbye to the old one, thanking it for all it brought us, we can also prepare for the new one coming. The first 12 days represent the entire year. If you want it to be harmonious, healthy and joyful, cultivate the right conditions so you can benefit from them all year!

The following exercise is a very nice one to do: each day, keep a diary with the insights of your meditation, the states you experienced during the day, even the phone calls, visits, etc. You will be amazed when, at the end of each month, you reread your diary of the first 12 days, and notice how many correspondences and so called “coincidences” are taking place.

Wishing you an exceptional year of spiritual and mental expansion. May you feel part of this new humanity rising and wishing for one people, one family so the earth becomes a garden of paradise.
“The Cabbalah tells us that the new year is influenced by the stars. The birth of a new year is like the birth of a child: it is the beginning of a life that will last just twelve months. When a child is born one can draw up a horoscope based on the date and time of birth and thus foresee the principal events of the child’s life. And we can do the same for the birth of a new year; in fact you should know thatthe first day of the year determines the first month, the second day, the second month, the third day the third month and so on.So you must try to live, think, feel and behave as well as possible, at least during the first twelve days, so as to ensure an intelligent, luminous start to the year and thus influence and determine it favourably.”                                                   Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


Carmen for The Aquarian Team

If you wish to read the Thought of the Day for free, you can read it daily on the following website or receive it by email for free everyday: https://www.prosveta-usa.com/

Issue #126 The Black Madonnas

Black Madonnas

As I was reading the Daily Meditation last week, in inspired me to cover this subject of the Black Madonnas.
Did you know that there are some 500 Black Madonnas around the world with over 300 documented in France alone, mostly in the South part of the country.
The meaning of their existence has been lost through time. When I was at the Abbey of the Benedictines in Einseideln, Switzerland, people believed that thevirgin and baby turned black possibly because of a fire or candle soot. Well, that is not so. Their existence is most profound and relates to an alchemical process. Enjoy the discovery of it:

"The existence of Black Madonnas is linked to the alchemical secrets of the transmutation of matter. The base material, which alchemists seek to transform, is said to be black, unorganized, raw matter: chaos. The Black Madonnas are related to this original alchemical substance. This is why these statues were usually placed underground in caves or crypts, because the matter they symbolize is extracted from the primitive virgin earth; this is what the term ‘black’ expresses. Alchemists used to say that just as the Virgin Mary suffered when giving birth to Christ, so matter has to be cooked for a long time in fire before giving birth to the philosopher’s stone." *
                                                                              Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

*   Thought of Monday, November 13, 2023   

 We are all alchemist in our ability to transform our raw matter into sublime things such as fault and shortcomings into qualities and virtues. It is a matter of coming within, observing oneself, recognizing the forces that move through us and making the adjustments so good comes out of our thoughts, feelings and actions. By doing this work, we create the conditions for our higher Self to begin manifesting in us. This is how the Christ child is born: as a new consciousness, pure and powerful that drives all darkness away, when one never feels alone again and experiences an abundance of life springing forth as strength and joy. This is also called the Buddhic consciousness, the Christ consciousness or the Second Birth.

Now is the perfect time of the year to embark on the cosmic currents coming with the winter solstice and to go within pondering the mystery of Christmas and preparing the conditions to give birth to the Christ Child within.  

Carmen for The Aquarian Team

Inspired by 2 little pocket books entitled "The Philosopher's stone in the Gospels and in Alchemy"  

and "by Christmas and Easter in the Initiatic Tradition"

If you wish to read the Thought of the Day for free, you can read it daily on the following website or receive it by email for free everyday: https://www.prosveta-usa.com/


Issue # 125 Work to do at night

Work to do at night

The month of November is often associated with Remembrance, Thanksgiving in the USA, coming of winter in the Northern hemisphere and now November 1st is called World Vegan Day.
Days are getting shorter and nights are getting longer. We are spending more time indoor and even maybe more time in bed. It is a time where not only the body recovers from the fatigue of its daily activities but also a time, if we know how, when the soul leaves the body to go traveling into the universe and when the spirit goes to do some incredible work.
In the esoteric tradition, sleep is used as an opportunity to do a very specific work: either go into the higher regions, like in Divine School, to learn wisdom, love and truth so we can learn to serve better or go bring help to those in need.
This is how the body does not fulfill only a physiological function but becomes an instrument for the soul and spirit to fulfill their spiritual functions.  
 By giving a direction to the soul before falling asleep, it stops it from wondering into unchartered territory or in turbulent regions where lower astral entities come and feed on the energy.
There is a short prayer that we say in the Brotherhood:
“Lord, while I am sleep, I want to learn. Accept me in your school of love, wisdom and truth, so that I may learn to give ever richer meaning to my life” then we draw a pentagram in the air above our head stating the corresponding 5 virtues: wisdom, love, truth, justice, goodness.  
Happy month of November and happy nights astral traveling.
Inspired from “Looking into the Invisible: clairvoyance, intuition and dreams”
Carmen for The Aquarian Team

Issue # 124 Cosmic balance

Cosmic Balance

As we just past the culminating point of the fall equinox, we can reflect on a pair of scales. It is Archangel Mikhael who governs this Cardinal Feast of the fall equinox. The Tradition mentions that he weighs each soul in the great Cosmic Scale to see their good deeds and their shortcomings. It is a good opportunity to revise where we stand. Do we put some time aside to nourish our soul with inspiring reading, contemplative walks in nature and to also sustain Spirit within us by being quiet and feeling its presence?
Life is busy for all of us and excuses come in many forms, yet what remains after our bodies are gone is our soul and spirit so if we do not nourish them here in our full awareness, we will be poorer on the other side.
The pair of scale reminds us that there is a constant oscillation between the two pans. If we put all our energy in physical activities then one pan is heavily weight down and risks collapsing. Spiritual activities are needed in the other pan in order to bring a fluctuation in the scale. It is that fluctuation between the two pans that assures exchanges, movement and life in creation and for us in our life it assures growth, understanding, and advancement.
As fall is upon us, let us reflect upon on the two pans of our inner scale.
Inspired by the pocket book entitled “Cosmic Balance”:

Issue # 123 Never give up!

Never give up!

At times life throws some hardships at us to the point that we wonder what is expected of us. We may not all know why we are here on Earth but in general we can say that we have come to bring a contribution or new inventions, to grow and develop ourselves and most importantly to learn important lessons, some harder than others. These are the ones that take us beyond our normal limitations, where we can surpass ourselves.
We have heard statements such as: after the rain comes the rainbow or seeing the light at the end of the tunnel or again turning a scar into a star. My favorite one is the analogy of the chemist who adds an agent (litmus) to an acid solution making it red and then he begins to add an alkaline solution, one drop at a time, and suddenly the whole liquid turns blue. It is that single drop that made the operation possible. This process is true for good and bad. Someone cannot keep transgressing the divine the laws without facing the effects, be it physically or psychically. And the same is true for someone who keeps making efforts in their inner life and get discouraged because they don’t feel the benefit yet. These efforts are never lost and will one day produce fantastic results.
And to conclude, along the same line, I share with you this beautiful excerpt from the Thought of the Day of Aug. 31, 2023    
“Once a person reaches a certain level of consciousness, they receive an electron from heaven, which like a drop of light, permeates the matter of their whole being. From then on, their life takes on a new dimension, a new intensity, and they see events with new clarity, as though they had been given to understand the meaning of everything”
May you all receive this “drop of light”!
Carmen for The Aquarian Team

If you wish to read the Thought of the Day for free, you can read it on the following website and even subscribe to receive it by email for free everyday: https://www.prosveta-usa.com/

Issue #122 Living the 3rd testament

Living the 3rd Testament

It is quite daring to choose such a title for this month’s article. And I am amazed at how much has been written on the subject of a 3rd testament on the internet. With a creative imagination, what would you say if you had to write about this subject?

For my part, here is what I say:

Do not seek, and you shall find.
Do not ask, and you will be answered
Do not knock and doors will open.

And why so?  When we live from the self, we are subject to limitations, to the human aspect of our structure, to the ego driven energy and we depend on our own resources to find answers and solutions. But when we begin to live from the soul and the spirit point of view, the higher Self, another force awakens in us and takes the driver seat, the intuition. From there, we find answers before seeking them; no need to ask, things come our way; and new doors open on their own before we even need to knock.

Of course this represents a new state of consciousness. A state that is there available for us, our higher Self. It is a part of us but since we have not been taught to use it, like a limb that is not used, it is atrophied. If we could fuse our human nature to our divine nature, what a wonderful way to live it would be!

And I dare add another one:  Do unto others what has been done unto you!  This idea came recently when people were thanking me and the team for organizing the Fraternal Forum (the Brotherhood in the USA) congress held in Quebec at the Canadian brotherhood center called Blagoslovenie (which means all blessings). Spontaneously, I told some of these people, “Well do unto others as has been done unto you” meaning, share the good of doing good when good people do good things!  Like a pay forward! 

I truly believe that we have the potential of living at a level of consciousness where there is no struggle, where life flows so beautifully, generously and harmoniously.  Each person would then be a 3rdtestament in action.

Carmen for The Aquarian Team

Inspired by the pocket book entitled:  “Man’s two natures: human and divine”, available at Amazon or through

Issue #121 Working with oppositions

Knowing how to work with opposing forces

First, allow me to apologize for skipping the month of June newsletter. Retirement got in the way by keeping me extra busy. Secondly, to wish you a happy Canada Day (our national holiday) if you are Canadian!

Anyhow, as we are traveling through the Rockies and the Kootenays at present, we saw last night a very bright star in the evening sky and wondered which one could shine so brightly. Our friend Viktor had an app on his phone and he looked it up: it was Venus conjoined with Mars! How interesting as Venus is the planet of love and Mars is the planet of war (Venus could also represent sensuality and Mars that of determination, dynamism).

The interesting point in these opposite forces is how to use them so they can serve a single purpose such as harmony. In the Initiatic Tradition, the movement of the wheel expresses the opposing forces and seen from above, it looks like one side of the wheel is going left and the other side is going right but it is precisely what make the wheel turn.

What we can draw from this example is that within us, there are opposing currents that pull us in different directions but if we nourish a high Ideal, such as harmony or recovering our divinity (becoming as perfect a our Creator), the opposing forces will start working together to move us forward toward this ideal. All our energies, all  currents within us will work to fulfill our intention.

If this subject interests you, I invite you to read the pocket book entitled: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil published by Prosveta and also available on Amazon

Carmen for The Aquarian Team

Past newsletters are available on www.theaquarianteam.com under the tab “newsletters”


Issue #120 Wesak time

Full Moon of May Wesak May 5, 2023

The Wesak takes placed during the full moon of May, this year being May 5.
Many of the Asian countries celebrate the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha in a similar way as we celebrate Christmas in the Western world, that is as an official holiday with feast, gathering and parades. But the Wesak has also another meaning for the Initiates, great Masters, Saints and Prophets, a more cosmic and universal ceremony.

Indeed, when the Sun is in Taurus, the most fertile sign of the zodiac, all these holy Beings use the momentum from Mother Nature and the cosmos to get together and shower humanity with a new impetus. With its very high waves of energy, this gathering is an incredible opportunity to uplift human beings above their limitation if they become receptive during this period.

It is recommended from a week before, which means right this week, to sustain a state of harmony, having forgiven anyone we hold a grudge against and to ask when we go to sleep to support this work of the great Teachers of humanity and even to ask to be invite through our astral body at night.  It is also recommended the day before (in this case Thursday night) to fast and not to wear any metal so as to become more receptive to these higher energies.
Last but not least, here is a prayer that is most appropriate for the Wesak or any time you feel inspire to recite it:
The Great Invocation by Alice Bailey

Carmen for The Aquarian Team

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