Issue # 92 The first 12 days of the year

Januray 2021,  Issue #92                              The Aquarian Team Newsletter

How we begin the year is setting the tone for the year! 

In previous January issues, we mentioned that the first twelve days correspond to the twelve months of the year. For example, January 1st represents the month of January; the 2nd represents February; the 3rd, March and so forth.

This is why Initiates tell us the importance of living these twelve days in a conscious way so that we can benefit from a fruitful year!

So this year, we would like to suggest an exercise:  choose a different quality for each day and note it down in your personal journal that you keep in your night table. It is best to choose it and to write it down the night before so your subconscious can work all night on it. Upon awakening, note any dream that you had during the night. And during the day, pay attention to any situation that arises in relation to the quality you wrote down. This way, you broaden your awareness to capture the “coincidences” that the universe is putting in your path to confirm that the quality in question is relating to your request. Again, when you retire at night, note down those “coincidences” you experienced during the day and then choose the specific quality for the next day. And so forth for the 12 days.

When we talk about qualities, we refer to properties that belong to the soul such as: beauty, love, kindness, light, generosity, etc. Let your intuition guide you.

Once each month is over or before a new one begins, reread the notes you took for the corresponding day and see how accurate it is.

Before leaving you, here is a wonderful thought:

 “The Kabbalah mentions that a year is a living being, thus we can talk to it.  So, speak to the year that is ending and ask it to remember you. Since it is alive, it doesn’t remain inactive; it  not only recorded your acts but also your desires, your feelings, your thoughts. On the last day, it will give its report to the Lords of destinies and link you to the new year.”                                                                                                                                      Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Wishing you the very best for 2021 and hoping it will be a year of spiritual growth and accomplishment.

The 3rd book of The Aquarian Team is being finalized with Balboa:  "A New Humanity is rising". Order an early copy for only $15.99. It will retail for $19.99 cdn. once it is released. Send an email to:

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: