May 2020, Issue #84 The Aquarian Team Newsletter
Full Moon of May: Vesak time
We are presently moving towards the full moon of May (the 7th in North America) and it is a very auspicious time of the year called Vesak. When the sun is still in Taurus, the great Initiates and Masters from all over the world gather in a sacred place in the Himalayas to synchronize with the impulsion of Mother Nature and its laws to do their work so it can bear the best results.
And what is their work? To give birth to the highest and most exalted thoughts and feelings to shower over humanity. Like zillions little particles of light they sow these seeds in the soil of our souls. Their work is always to uplift human beings to a higher consciousness and bring them to their divine potential. This prolific time of the year is so perfect for them to do this work and they know how to use the power of Nature to support their lofty goal.
Whether we have the ability to join them in our astral body or in thoughts this year, the important thing for is to try to connect with them so we receive particles of their glorious emanations and work.
We can do so by preparing days in advance like praying or meditating, consuming less food, even fasting on the eve and day of the full moon, and most importantly to maintain a state of harmony. Master Omraam goes as far as recommending that we should not wear any metal the night of the full moon such as pins, belt buckles, hooks, rings, watches or coins on us so as to NOT disturb our receptivity.
To conclude, here is a very nice excerpts that fits the occasion:
"Each one of you has the possibility of becoming a benefactor of mankind. By projecting your thoughts into the farthest reaches of space, you can send out messages of light to help, comfort, enlighten, and heal others. He who undertakes this work knowingly and deliberately, gradually penetrates into the mysterious arcana of divine creation." excerpt from the pocket book entitles "Powers of Thought" by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.
Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.
If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: