July 2020, Issue #86 The Aquarian Team Newsletter
We are all heirs of the Lord
This past Sunday, I was doing the interpretation of a video lecture of Master Omraam via FreeConferenceCall for the English brothers and sisters throughout the world and realized it would be the perfect subject for our July newsletter.
Did you know that we are all heirs of God’s many riches? We are all a spark of His very essence as His sons and daughters, He has bequeathed all His gifts, talents and virtues except that we may not have realized that fully yet.
The Master told the story about a wise King who, in the old days, sent his son to a village amongst peasants in order to be educated, get up early and work hard without knowing he was from a royal family. The peasants in the village had sworn to secrecy about his true origin. When he became an adult, he was brought back to the palace and to his great amazement discovered the truth. He thought he was living the tale of a Thousand and One Nights. What he had learned amongst the villagers and farmers was most useful. He was a good judge of people’s character, understood their difficulties and suffering. He became a very good King and ruler himself.
The analogy is that we too are heirs of God's riches but we do not have the aweness of it. When we lose the connection, the link with our celestial origin, and become more entrenched in material life with possessions, acquisitions, commanding, organizing life down here without giving much attention to the higher spiritual realms, we become heavy, dull, without inspiration and even discouraged.
On the other hand, when we establish the link with our divinity, with God, we rise over sorrows, sadness, difficulties and frustrations. In these higher realms, we experience a broadening of our consciousness, an expansion, we taste true happiness, feel swollen with joy and enthusiasm.
The Master mentioned that in India they have a very wise saying: “I am He” which means that on our own, separated from our divinity, we are nothing but by identifying with Him, we possess everything that He is. By repeating this saying over and over, like a mantra, we invite Him to come and dwell within us bringing all His heavenly gifts along.
(Based on the July 16, 1981 lecture given by the Master at Bonfin, the Brotherhood international centre of congress in the South of France.)
Happy July everyone.
Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.
If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: