#80 Christmas is not just an historical event but also a cosmic and mystical one.

December 2019,  Issue #80                               The Aquarian Team Newsletter

Christmas, is not just an historical event but also a cosmic and mystical one.

In a previous newsletter, we covered the some of the 4 cardinal Feast like St. Michaelmass and Easter. Today, we will talk about another cosmic Feast, that of Christmas. These Feast where the Sun travels through the 4 cardinal points are strategically important because all the planets, all nature and humanity benefits from the forces and energies released at these specific times.

The birth of Jesus on December 25 may be an historical event, true, and it is symbolically important because it is just past the winter solstice when finally the days see increasingly more light. Indeed, until the solstice, the days were shorter and the nights were longer representing the gestation time where in the dark a being is preparing to emerge for its birth. So it is no wonder that December 25 represents a new birth where new life, new light emerges.

Primarily, this event takes place on a cosmic level as the birth of the Christ principle. Everywhere in the cosmos a powerful wave of energies flood the entire space and there is rejoicing amongst the Angels and superior Beings.

And Christmas is also a mystical event because, if we are consciously working on ourselves and seeking to develop the sleeping divinity within, in our soul, we can give birth to this Christ consciousness. So even before Christmas was an historical event, it was a cosmic event and a mystical event. All great Initiates know that, see that in the cosmos, and invite everyone of us to give birth as the love, light and sacrifice that the birth of Jesus represents. 

Realizing that Jesus was the man born on December 25 but the Christ consciousness is not a man, it is a cosmic principle that Jesus embodied and each one of us have the potential to reach that Christ consciousness.

To each and every one of you, on behalf of The Aquarian Team, we wish you a very merry Christ consciousness.

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

This newsletter is based on a lecture given by Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov on Dec. 25, 1958.
You can view and hear the lecture on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U5K8v7hRmA&list=PLw9CUUhp5f5_c86-7-vzEQMSp--0f5eJk&index=3