August 2020, Issue #87 The Aquarian Team Newsletter
Reaching universal consciousness
Of the different kingdoms, we are somewhere above the animals and below the angels. All kingdoms are endowed with consciousness but at different levels.
The mineral kingdom has a consciousness but one that vibrates very slowly although some stones have very beautiful properties like precious stones, diamonds yet, they cannot move on their own, etc.
In the vegetable kingdom, the sensitivity is increased, some close and open up to the sun or to insects.
In the animal kingdom, the domesticated animals are even more sensitive and aware to the point of responding to their master.
Amongst the kingdoms stated so far we, human beings, are the most awakened. We have a broader degree of consciousness and free will. Of course this free will depends on the awareness of consciousness and the ability to make choices. By assuming the pros and cons of our decisions we can choose the best and therefore creating better conditions. In that sense, we truly are the makers, co-creators. When we are not fully aware in consciousness, we may be asleep like unconscious or tied to the subconscious like operating from habits, patterns, and reactions; of course, what we create then is not always luminous. When our awareness of consciousness is developing, becoming more lucid and altruist our creations also become more splendid.
Now, in the angelic kingdom, is an entire hierarchy of beings who have reached superior levels of consciousness from ours. They experience a totality of “beingness” that is so vast, so broad; we have no inkling of their far reaching influence. Their only wish is to keep expanding until they merge with the universal life, with God and they accomplish this through service and love. They experience superconsciousness.
How can we expand our awareness of consciousness, you might ask? Can we reach superconsciousness as human beings. Well, there are many exercises that help expanding our consciousness such as reading uplifting books, focusing the mind on a sublime subject through meditation or contemplation, holding and nourishing a high ideal like becoming our Higher Self. Superconsciousness requires purity, disinterestedness and self-mastery which of course is possible for those who have long prepared themselves for it.
The best is to begin right where we are at the moment; that means to wish for a broader consciousness and to work for it. What we will find on the way of that expansion is happiness because in this expansion, we will feel more and more connected to everything else, entering in communion with the whole. The secret to expand one’s consciousness is to love, a vast, pure, encompassing and universal love. Then everything will be granted in surplus: happiness, fulfillment and bliss!
Happy month of August everyone.
Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.
If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: