Issue #83 World Mass Meditation

March/April 2020,  Issue #83      

The Aquarian Team Newsletter

World Mass Meditation

This is a call to all those who aspires to a better world to unite and form a fantastic laser of light to uplift humanity.
Indeed, from April 4-5 the powerful alignment of Jupiter – Pluto begins following by the triple rare conjunction of Saturn –Jupiter – Pluto.  It is an opportunity that only happens every 700 years.  

On April 4th, a powerful window of astrological ascension will open up.  Legions of luminous beings are entering the galaxy to flood it with a wave of light (5D gamma).

Let us unite in a mass participation of hearts and spirits, and join millions of points of light to anchor energies of peace, harmony, healing, abundance and freedom.

Mass meditations mean the more participants, the faster and more evident the results will manifest to change the general human consciousness. It is the key to our liberation and the quantum leap humanity needs at present.

Whatever our belief system, religion or spiritual practice, let us unite and hold the light in our consciousness during 20 minutes on April 4th at 19:45 PDT (click on link below to find your time zone) thus by using our thoughts and feelings in a synchronized action, meditating on the light, we form  a powerful laser over the entire world to change the present situation on Earth and bring order, peace, harmony and healing.

If you want to learn more about the power of the laser as a meditation, read the book entitled "Light is a Living Spirit" by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.

If you wish to find out more about this mass meditation, follow these links or look on Youtube as there are many groups inviting you to meditate with them:

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

Excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: