Our October newsletter is reaching you earlier this time because, as we are now into the Fall equinox, we thought it was most appropriate to share with you the role of Archangel Mikhaël into this celebration.
If you enjoy reading this text, you may also want to join the Fraternal Forum presentation that will be hosted on YouTube Sunday Sept. 27 at 10:15am Vancouver time or 1:15pm Toronto time. It is a 45 minutes special presentation with a video from Bonfin in the South of France, a laser meditation, songs, excrepts regarding the role of Archangel Mikhaël and meditative music to stimulate your imagination.You will find the link below:
Here is a sample of that presentation:
“It is the Archangel Mikhaël who has the principal role to play in the purification of the earth. In the course of the centuries, a multitude of evil beings have inundated the earth with immensely destructive forces. These forces have accumulated in a vast reservoir and have taken the form of a monster known as the Dragon or Serpent. This is the Dragon which is said to seduce the nations and mislead the children of God and to be the cause of all the sufferings of mankind. It is a prodigiously powerful egregor. There have been men of great self-abnegation and courage who have thrown themselves into a struggle to the death against this monster, but to this day none has vanquished it. When the time is ripe however, St Mikhaël will rise up and defeat it. The Archangel Mikhaël is the only one capable of defeating this egregore. He and his heavenly hosts will answer the prayer that multitudes have addressed to the Lord for centuries. His victory has been foretold in the Apocalypse and other books of Sacred Scripture. For this reason we should link ourselves to St Mikhaël and ask him to protect us and allow us to unite our efforts to his in order to strengthen his victory.” Excerpt from Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, 100 Anniversary book published by Prosveta
“True thinkers are the servants of Mikhaël whom they consider to be the regent of cosmic thought. Mikhaël delivers thought from the yoke of the brain and opens the way for the heart. He releases enthusiasm in souls. To understand this is to welcome Mikhaël into our inner life. Thoughts which reach out to grasp the spiritual must emanate from hearts which beat for Mikhaël. The Mikhaëlic age demands that we recognize the concrete nature of spiritual reality. We have to understand what man will be in the future, that is, to think in a Mikhaëlic mode.” Excerpt from Rudolf Steiner, lecture given at the Goetheanum in 1924
May you receive the kiss of Archangel Mikhaël to set ablaze the sacred fire of divine love in your soul.