Issue #82 Let's talk about love

February is Valentine month. Lets talk about love

Love has been talked about and sung through the centuries by poets, troubadours, writers, clergy people and by everyone us for that matter.

It is said in the Gospels that we should love God with all our heart, our soul and our spirit as we love our neighbors and ourselves. Nowadays, we can say that people love themselves enough to please themselves in as many ways as they can but is that what loving oneself means? Loving our neighbors may be easy enough if we are in affinity with them. And as for loving God, it remains very subjective depending if we believe in his Being or not.
How do great Initiates and Masters understand that passage of the Gospels? Well, they know that  everything in the universe is based on the two principles: the masculine and the feminine. That these two principles are respectively emissive and receptive and that they are indispensable to each other, equally important and with each their own role and purpose. Science recognizes those in nature as electricity and magnetism. Every creation requires the participation of these two principles.

Now, to understanding why loving oneself is so important we then have to know that originally, we were created as androgynous beings but in descending into matter, we became separated from the other pole of ourselves which stays on High while we are down here, incarnated. So, when we seek a partner or a soul mate, what we are looking for is the other pole of ourselves. It is our higher Self and it watches over us, inspires us to grow and develop. So when we seek love from a partner, we seek that which we miss in ourselves because we yearn to fuse and become one with that missing part of ourselves, our other half, so to speak.
People are often disappointed in their love affairs and keep changing partners in the hope of finding the right one. It is as if they knew that someone “perfect” existed to fulfill them. Cosmic Intelligence put that desire to fuse with someone as a reminder that we are incomplete until we find the connection with our other half within, otherwise we may always be deceived. So to love oneself is to love our higher Self with the desire to fuse and become one again!

It is said there are 40000 shades of love, from the very base, sensual to the most sublime, divine aspect. Sublimating one’s love means to give it a higher vibration, to link our partner with the Celestial Father or the Divine Mother because it is that sublime aspect that we seek within ourselves. Then, there would be a feeling of great fulfilment, an endless source of rejoicing.
That is why the very advanced souls, like Initiates and Masters, do not marry or seek a partner because they found their partner within. They have both the feminine and masculine aspects fully blossomed within. They know how and when to use each principle to accomplish their mission on earth.

If the subject of love and sexuality interests you, we invite you to read the two volumes dedicated to that subject by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov. There is also even an entire chapter about soul mates.

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: