Choosing fear or faith
Going through this pandemic brings us to face certain realities: instability, changes, fear. The physical confinement, social restrictions, interruption of our routine is challenging us to go within in more than one way. Do we stand in fear or faith?
There are all kinds of fear: fear of the unknown, fear of shortages, fear of darkness or fear of tomorrow. There is also fear that sometimes protects us from dangers which is then a very good thing. The fear we are talking about here is the fear that consumes us. The more we give power to that kind of fear the more it controls us. So you may ask: how does one overcome fear then? By faith.
Before we cover the subject of faith, let’s look at the difference between belief and faith from the point of view of the Initiates so that we build a position of stability.
Belief is based on personal convictions coming from the exterior or the surface of one’s observation. Take for example an accident: someone will say “I believe that what happened is this and that” and goes on explaining. May be this observation is incomplete and falls short of the actual reality. People often say “I believe this or that” and shortly after, having more information or experience, their belief no longer stands as they change their opinion or point of view.
Whereas faith as understood by the Initiates is based on knowledge, not merely an intellectual knowledge learned from books, even sacred books, but from knowing the laws, the cosmic, eternal laws that govern all kingdoms from the mineral all the way to the Godhead. These laws are as real to the Initiates as the laws of agriculture: you sow seeds of tomatoes and expect tomatoes, not potatoes. It is an assurance. A know fact.
Faith is a force that comes from within, from the centre, from spirit. It comes from the application of a knowledge that is stable, powerful and always present at work. Faith is a nurturing invitation to grow, surpass ourselves, become a better, more stable person and live a more harmonious life. With faith there is a trust that goes beyond matter and the materialistic point of view. It is an unshakable trust in the Divine Order of things and it guarantees victory over fear, it brings assurance and peace.
In my personal experience, when fear shows its head, I sometimes take it on a ride and push it to its limits. I talk to it as if I was talking to my personality (the lower self): “OK, you are scared of this or that but what if society crumbled, government, airlines, financial system and all? What if the whole planet shifted on its axis? What if all of humanity disappeared? The truth is that I am a soul, a spirit, and nothing physical can destroy that reality. On this earth system or elsewhere, I am and therefore I shall be.” Facing this ultimate truth, my fear retrieves in a corner and stays quiet for a while!
Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.
This subject as inspired by "The Faith That Moves Mountains" available on Amazon:
If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: