Issue #119 Spring is here and so are sunrises

Spring is here and so are sunrises

We’ve just past the spring equinox and although it is not quite warm in Canada yet, we can feel the days getting longer and a springing eagerness to go out longer and to garden.
From the spring equinox, the Tradition teaches that it is Archangel Raphael who takes charge of nature with a host of angels. And just as nature is revived by the new energies, with the sap rising in the trees, burgeoning of plants and the buzzing of the bees looking for fresh pollen, we too must benefit through more zeal and enthusiasm, and it should not only physically but it should also stimulate us spiritually.

One of the best ways to do that is to start attending the sunrise to receive with its light, warmth and life! A real burst to nourish the subtle bodies, strengthen one’s aura and expand one’s consciousness. The sun is the best representation of our Higher Self, of our Christ self because it is totally impersonal, always giving regardless of who looks at it.

Another exercise to do is as we notice the bursting forth of nature with burgeoning and flowering, we can link with that manifestation and bring it within so our soul also benefits from the influx. And why not share it with your partner, family, friends, community and all of humanity?

Carmen for The Aquarian Team
This article is inspired by Vol. 32 entitled: "The Fruits of the Tree of Life: The Cabbalistic Tradition" by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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Issue #118 Music and the soul

Music and the soul

The Tradition says that there are three activities where people vibrate in unison: when they eat together, when they sing together and when they pray together. This month we will cover how music and singing touches the soul.

Music is important in life to develop the quality of feelings. Some music can awaken rough feelings such as anger, revenge, passionate chaotic love feelings or it can awaken a desire to commune with nature, with joy, gratitude, etc. It all depends on the type of music we choose to listen to.

Dr. Masaru Emoto demonstrated the effect of music on water particles and according to the type of music, the particles took different forms. He also experimented with plants and under heavy metal music, plants would die whereas under classical music plants thrived.
Music influences our nervous system in the same way. Of course, it is a subtle influence without us noticing the immediate reaction but in the long run it affects us dearly.

In order to benefit the most from music it is preferable to select a music that is harmonious and inspired by elevated spirits. This choice of music can propel us to realm of beauty and expansion where one can feel connecting to something much bigger than the intellect, something that fills your heart and uplifts you to a higher reality.

How? By using the imagination through the music movements and creating images of what you would like to see come through in the world. Listening to music with the intention of ‘working’ with it can truly give wings to the soul.

We are co-creators and music is a formidable instrument for the imagination to deliver the reality we wish to create. Especially choir music that not only favors the harmonization between beings but also fosters a spirit of fraternity, we can move the whole of humanity along with our vision.

#117 The Power of Women


Being in Brazil at the moment, visiting friends and their new fraternal centre, Jim (my husband) and I arrived just on time for the exclusive preview of a new documentary entitled “Pregnancy and Civilization” presented last Sunday in Sao Paulo. Two of The Aquarian Team authors have worked for several years in making this documentary: Laura Uplinger and Carla Machado with the help of an entire team. They created the ANEP Brazil (national prenatal association).  The documentary is so well done, most informative and highly inspiring. Something that every future parent should watch for the regeneration of humanity! Here is the trailer you can watch before it is released at large:

How can pregnancy be so powerful? Let’s start with the origin of creation.

In the Tradition, it is understood that the universe exists as a result of the interaction between the eternal masculine principle and the eternal feminine principle. These principles act through the laws of Cosmic Intelligence and apply to all regions and all kingdoms. Initiates of all times have mentioned these two principles and verified their application from the invisible down to the visible or material world.

In the eyes of Cosmic Intelligence, both principles, masculine and feminine, are of equal importance:  the masculine principle is the creative one (men carry the seed) and the feminine principle is the formative one (her being attracts and provides elements to form the child in the womb). Hence, in the conception of a child, the quality of the seed is as important as the formative phase. Of course, the creative process is short lived but the formative process lasts nine months and therefore, the role of women during that time is crucial in offering the best materials possible for the future being. This implies nurturing good thoughts, feelings and actions (including quality of food, drink, music, colors, etc.).

The best analogy for the power women hold in the gestation period is the process of galvanoplasty or electroplating: a medal is submerged in a liquid and through the anode and cathode the metallic salt solution particles start plating the medal when the current is activated. A very similar process applies to the pregnant mother as her thoughts, feelings and nutrients travel through her blood and greatly contribute to the formation on the fetus.
With conscious pregnancy humanity could be improved in just three generations to the point that prisons, psychiatric asylums and wars would simply disappear. A new humanity would rise! Please share this information with anyone you know who wants to start a family!

Source of information:

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 Carmen for The Aquarian Team

#116 Happy New Year

Let it be a year of light and joy!
The first 12 days of the year

The following article has been published in a previous year yet it is so relevant that we decided to publish it again.

In the Initiatic tradition, it is said that the first 12 days of the year represent the entire new year, each day corresponding to the successive month, i.e. the 1st: January, the 2nd: February, the 3rd: March and so on.
If we live well during those first 12 days, it will be reflected in the entire year.  It is really worth it to know that and to make an effort to be aware, vigilant and filled with gratitude.
It is recommended that every night before going to bed we keep a journal of the main events and states of being of the day so that later on, as the months come and go, we reread the corresponding day.
Moreover, this exercise is like developing a new habit that imprints on our consciousness, on our thinking, feeling and acting so that our whole behavior, like a groove in new soil with fresh seeds, creates new living conditions. 
Recently, on a Facebook page I read the following:
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their life by altering their attitudes." William James, American physician, philosopher and psychologist (1842-1910).
If you are particularly keen on discovering who you are from within, as we are so much more than just a body and a brain, we recommend reading Know Thyself: Jnana Yoga by Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov available through Amazon:
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 Carmen for The Aquarian Team

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#115 Prayer

A prayer to use each day in December 

December is already upon us and, in previous years, we’ve often covered this time of the year with articles on birthing the Christ child within through a new consciousness. (You can go back to these newsletters through our website:
This year, instead of covering this subject again, why not take this opportunity to take December as the last month of the year to create a special ending!
It is believed that a message has to be repeated between 28 to 33 days in a row before the subconscious acts upon it.
A way to end the year would be to repeat the following prayer everyday upon awakening and before going to sleep:    

“My God, all I have is yours; make use of me for the triumph and glory of your kingdom.
I promise to do your will, so that your love, wisdom and power manifest through me.”

Would it not be nice to be empowered with divine love and wisdom to begin the New Year!  
Print this prayer and tuck it into your pocket or by your bedside and feel free to say it as often as you can and watch the magic happening!
When you state “all I have is yours” what actually happens is that you rise above the ego, the human self, which wants everything to itself, and you reach out to the realm of the soul and the spirit where the true kingdom of our Self is and where all blessings come from.

May this time of the year bring you within, to your inner Kingdom, so you can share heavenly blessings to all those around you!

 Carmen for The Aquarian Team

Issue #114 Life and Death are connected

Life and Death inextricably bound one to the other

November is often associated with death. Most people fear death and for many reasons. Because they think there is nothing beyond; because they identify with their body so when the body dies they feel they’ll lose their identity; or because they don’t want to leave their dear ones behind. These reasons are not spoken about and are often kept buried deep within without any re-evaluation. Yet we all know that we will have to die eventually.

The Western world looks at life like through the peep hole of the key holder. People only see very little and do not grasp the full picture. In Eastern philosophies or the initiatic philosophy where the knowledge of the human structure with its subtle bodies is given more attention, death is considered a passage to the higher realms. Fear of death for us Westerners is based on ignoring our human and divine structure. Once we know that we are more than our body, that we are a soul and a spirit manifesting in different realms, then death is not so foreign. People may say they cannot see the soul or the spirit. True. You cannot see love either yet it acts so powerfully that people move countries or relinquish their titles to protect and support that invisible feeling called love.

Those who have developed the ability of astral projection or had near death experiences tell their stories about feeling more alive in the invisible then in the visible. They say that everything is clearer on the other side of the veil; that the five senses are very limited here on earth comparing to the life of the soul in the afterlife; that time as we know it doesn’t exist and that we shouldn’t be scared of moving to another realm as our identity is not lost; we remain who we are in consciousness and with a much clearer understanding our ourselves.

Death is a change of realm just like a fruit that is being recycled to become life again in another form. It is our limited understanding that causes fear and loss. The more our awareness expands, the more we understand the great mystery of life. Death is then understood as a state of transformation linked to life. Both work together in the great cycle of existence until we reintegrate our Divinity. 
The recent Thought for the Day on Oct. 22, offers a good understanding of the connection between life and death:

"Life and death: the whole of creation rests on these two words. Life cannot be understood without death, nor death without life. They go together, inextricably bound one to the other. As soon as life appears, it is immediately under threat of death. But death itself never has the last word: the moment its work is done, life takes over again, but in another form. Taken individually, the words life and death are actually meaningless. Death receives meaning from life, and life from death. This is why we shall never really understand life until the day we go through the doors of death into a new form of life."   Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

 Carmen for The Aquarian Team

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Issue #113 Superb Mt Shasta

From Mount Shasta

My husband Jim and I are presently at Mount Shasta for the first American congress of the Universal White Brotherhood. The association that puts into practice the Teaching and methods of Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.
Mount Shasta is truly mismerizing by its splendour but also by the legends that surrounds its existence. From North American Indian legends to mystical beliefs such as hiding entries to Agartha, the civilisation at the centre of the earth, to a golden temple above its summit in the etheric plane to vision of flying saucers hiding in the cloud near the top, Mt Shasta is full of mysteries and fantasmagoric stories. One thing for sure is for decades, thousands of people have come to host their spiritual retreats, to celebrate the quinoxes and soltices and in particular the Wesak at the full moon of May.

The reason why the  congress is hosted here is that Master Omraam Aïvanhov stayed in this area for nearly four months in 1981. He prayed, meditated and contemplated this mountain which he could see right out his window. A great Master in communion with the Cosmos and the surrounding Nature can pour blessings over the people of a region, a country and the entire humanity. It is very symbolic that this first congress is hosted here. People from 5 continents have come to spend a week together to practice sunrise meditations, do some gymnastics to strenghten body, mind and soul, sing beautiful songs of great harmony, dance paneurhythmy, do yoga of nutrition, listen to words of wisdom (audio or video recordings) from the Master, meet the collective tasks for a smooth operation and spend the rest of the time in nature or sharing with these like minded souls. The theme of the congress is "Living in Unity: A Spiritual Path for Our Time". Regardless of people's religions, color or language, here we speak the language of the soul: we try to unite all our faculties so we vibrate in harmony with oneself, with the others and the cosmos.
We recognize that we all need to love and be loved, we all need to understand and shine our light, we all need to create be it physically, mentally or artistically speaking. Here we do all that very consciously. We explore our potential, surpass our limits and experience the life of the future humanity filled with joy, harmony, enthusiasm and promises.

Here is a Daily Meditation on UNITY from June 15, 2022

"When we hear talk of unity in the field of economics, and domestic or international politics, it is always an anarchic unity, like bandits who join together to carry out their crimes. This is not true unity, but this is how people think of it: as banding together to pounce on others and destroy them. When the citizens of a nation say, ‘Let’s unite’ and the sole purpose of this union is to attack their neighbour, this is not true unity. True unity is meant to be as all-encompassing as possible. If an organ achieves unity for itself but fails to work in harmony with the others, it will perhaps feel fine, but the others will suffer and unity will be compromised as a result. When we speak of unity, we are referring to a universal, cosmic unity from which nothing is excluded. But this unity must first be established within ourselves: all our cells, all our tendencies must be directed towards God. Our efforts to bring this about will be reflected in all the other scattered unities, which will come together to form a universal whole." Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

 Carmen for The Aquarian Team

Issue # 112 The Power of Collectivity

The power of the collectivity

 An exceptional person can only do so much to help humanity and yes, many exceptional beings have contributed to the betterment of society and humanity such as many saints, prophets, seers, masters yet they have not succeeded in bringing the Kingdom of God on Earth or, in more modern terms, a Golden Age. (What we are referring to here is not a physical palace, a city, a continent or a religion but a state of being, a state of consciousness.)
Why is it that this Golden Age or Kingdom has not been realized yet? Because a person alone cannot achieved it. It requires a large quantity of people with a heightened consciousness to change an old reality into a new one. The solution is to unite in mind, soul and spirit in sharing the same ideal: that of forming a great human family. People can keep their own identity, language, color, cultures but strive to harmonize their differences with a sincere desire of working together to create that ideal. 
Now, as the Earth is receiving more and more the influences from Aquarius, the one bringing new currents, new ideas, it is the power of the collectivity that will make the transition easier towards a Golden Age. For that to happen, a collectivity, a great number of people, is necessary to change the old concepts, old paradigms, into a new reality.  When we think of working for the collectivity, it is each individual who benefits, including ourselves.  
Daily Meditation May 13, 2017

"Human beings have a natural tendency to meet their needs and solve their problems without taking others into account, and even if it suits them, at the expense of others. Well, these are serious mistakes. For your own benefit, I will tell you that you must now decide not to work for yourself alone, but for the collective whole. Yes, it is in your own interest because you are a part of this community. When the community improves and evolves, you benefit from these improvements. You reap the benefit because you have placed your capital in a bank called the human family or the universal brotherhood, of which you are a member. Whereas when you work for the sole benefit of yourself, nothing good happens to you. You will say, ‘But I disagree, I have been working for myself.’ No, because your separate and egotistic self is a bottomless pit which is always dissatisfied and, by working for it, you throw everything into it. You must therefore change the purpose of your work and place it very high in an ideal of universality."         
                                                                                                                                                               Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Enjoy this month of September.

Carmen for The Aquarian Team

Issue # 111 The Power of Sacrifice

The power of sacrifice

The word sacrifice originates from the Latin meaning holy or sacred. Religion has used the ritual of sacrifice to bring protection (sacrificing a lamb for example) or calling Christ the Divine Lamb for He sacrificed himself for the world.

How shall we understand this at our level? Well, considering that Initiatic Science teaches that we have two natures: a personality (the ego) and an individuality (the higher Self). The personality always seeks its own satisfaction even at the expense of others or the higher Self. Whereas the individuality is always altruist, giving, and never expecting anything in return, like the sun.

In this context, whenever we decide to sacrifice something or in modern language say to give up, renunciate or abandon a bad habit (smoking, drinking, slandering, control, even entertaining negative thoughts) and offer it in exchange of obtaining harmony, self-mastery, peace of mind, we already are on the path to greater joy and freedom. That represents a first step of going from ego to Self.

The next step is to make sacrifices for the well-being of someone else: I remember my sister giving up smoking during her girlfriend who had miscarried four times and was pregnant again. My sister really wanted to help her and didn't know how so I suggested she gives up smoking for her friend to carry the child through, and it worked. Her girlfriend gave birth to a healthy child and my sister never went back to smoking! Two benefits in one effort.
Yet, there is a third level to sacrifice, one that implies seeking absolutely nothing as a personal benefit. Only very pure and disinterested Masters and Initiates have the awareness and ability to sacrifice something of themselves, even their lives, for the benefit of humanity.

Initiatic Science also teaches that every kingdom aspires to the next: the mineral to the vegetable, the vegetable to the animal, the animal to the human kingdom and humans to the angelic kingdom. Each category possesses qualities that are not given to the one below. The law of evolution invites us, consciously or not, to reach up to the next level. It is inscribed at the very root of life and in everything that exists. One way  is to consciously transform our raw material into more sublime and subtler ones.

"The true meaning of sacrifice is the most elevated, most noble and divine manifestation possible."

If you wish to read more about this subject, we invite you to read “Life Force” by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov through Prosveta Canada or

Issue #110 The Meaning of Celebrations

Happy Canada Day
the meaning of celebrations from the initiatic point of view

“Did the initiates of the past instituted celebrations simply for humans to amuse themselves? No, their intention was primarily to provide them with a pause, to suspend the work rhythm which, in that epoch, was continuous and exhausting since vacations and holidays were unheard of. These initiates wanted to set free, at least for a moment, the consciousness of so many men and women overburdened with duties that affected and destroyed their health; they wanted to create a release valve in order to free their restrained psychic energies.  Celebrations and Feasts, through songs, dances, games, laughter and exchanges, can provide this release and create a fraternal ambiance in which people feel understood and supported.
Still, through these celebrations, initiates had yet another goal:  they wanted to bring human beings to seek energies in these subtle regions that could regenerate and vivify their heart and soul. In this ambiance of joyous and beneficial exchanges, luminous entities come to draw energies, using them, afterwards, to carry on their work throughout the world.  Do you wish to help them in their work? You can consciously offer them the joy and spiritual wealth a celebration has brought to you so that others can benefit as well. This joy, this wealth will be returned to you amplified.  This is how the initiates, in their wisdom, understand the meaning of a celebration.  For, if wisdom is solemn, it is also filled with gaiety.”

This extract was taken from The laughter of a Sage by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, Izvor Collection (pocket book collection), no. 243, available through or Amazon

Carmen for The Aquarian Team 

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Dear friends and readers,

The picture above is of Mount Kailash in the Himalayas where it is believed that all the great Masters and Initiates meet during the full moon of may to celebrate the Wesak ceremony.

Join us for this coming Sunday, May 15, with the following topics as I will be giving the talk about these subjects

  • A special Wesak celebration (yes, full moon is on May 15 and the sun is still in Taurus).

  • Working with the different phases of the moon.

Hoping to see you on Zoom
Carmen for The Aquarian Team