December is already upon us and, in previous years, we’ve often covered this time of the year with articles on birthing the Christ child within through a new consciousness. (You can go back to these newsletters through our website: This year, instead of covering this subject again, why not take this opportunity to take December as the last month of the year to create a special ending! It is believed that a message has to be repeated between 28 to 33 days in a row before the subconscious acts upon it. A way to end the year would be to repeat the following prayer everyday upon awakening and before going to sleep:
“My God, all I have is yours; make use of me for the triumph and glory of your kingdom. I promise to do your will, so that your love, wisdom and power manifest through me.”
Would it not be nice to be empowered with divine love and wisdom to begin the New Year! Print this prayer and tuck it into your pocket or by your bedside and feel free to say it as often as you can and watch the magic happening! When you state “all I have is yours” what actually happens is that you rise above the ego, the human self, which wants everything to itself, and you reach out to the realm of the soul and the spirit where the true kingdom of our Self is and where all blessings come from.
May this time of the year bring you within, to your inner Kingdom, so you can share heavenly blessings to all those around you!