Issue #109 Artistic Creations

Artistic creation

We mentioned in previous issues how the structure of our human nature is constituted with our lower nature:  physical, astral, mental bodies, and with our higher nature: causal, buddhic and atmic bodies.
For the sake of our newsletter this month, let’s just take our inner trinity the mind, heart and willpower corresponding to our lower nature. In the higher realms, they are respectively associated as the mind being wisdom, the heart being love and the willpower with creativity.
When artistic creations are solely based on the lower nature, their influence affects people towards confusion (when one cannot tell from head to tails in paintings, for example) towards sadness (when it drives people to lose hope) and even towards darkness (such as crimes).  Where does the inspiration come from? The artists’ limited astral self or from their higher Self, from their soul and spirit?
Nowadays, movies, songs, and various entertainment means are made to stir a lot of emotions in people. This is how artists give the crowd what it wants but just look at the results; with younger and younger people using arms to do mass killing.
Artists have a great responsibility in how they influence people with their art.
Each one of us is an artist, first on our own selves! With a bit of reason (wisdom) in our mind, a great love in our heart for our fellow human beings and with the will to create sublime realities, we can become conscious co-creators.
Here is the Thought of the Day for today, June 1st. You can receive it for free by email every day by subscribing in the red box of the following link:

Wednesday, June 1, 2022« In granting some people artistic talents, heaven has blessed them with a great treasure thanks to which they can work wonders; but often they are unaware of this and do not fully believe in the power of these gifts.
An artist’s ideal must be to lead all beings towards the Divinity. In so doing, their name will be inscribed in the Book of Life and it will be recorded that they have saved many souls from tribulation and death. They should not worry about their own soul – if they save the souls of others, someone will in turn save theirs. If a person spreads joy all around, others will bring joy to them. »
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Carmen for The Aquarian Team

Issue # 108 Wesak and Phases of the Moon

The phases of the Moon and the Wesak, full moon of May

What is the role of the Moon? We know it influences the tides, the crops, childbirth (increase on the full moon), and people’s moods.
In the Tradition of the Initiates, the Sun is related to the Spirit: it always gives, always stable. The Moon is related to the soul and the psychic world and the Earth to the physical, tangible world.
The Moon’s function is to reflect and as it is situated between the Sun and the Earth, the part that is turned towards the Earth reflects what is inferior whereas the part turned towards the Sun reflects what is superior. Therefore, the Moon phases of waxing and waning have a tremendous influence whether we are aware of it or not.
In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, it is the Sephirah Iesod that represents the Moon. It is also at that level that purity becomes so important if we want to grow with the beneficial influence of the Tree otherwise, without purity, we remain within the influence of the Moon turned towards the Earth with all its negativity and lower astral influence. Purity is the foundation of spiritual life and by purity, we do not infer necessarily chastity but purity in thoughts, feelings, goals, actions, etc.
The more disinterested one becomes, the more solid is the foundation toward enlightenment.   
Formulas, words, gestures and everything we accomplish on the physical plane are reflected up to the higher levels and produces effects; hence the statement: “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven”. That is why reciting formulas and prayers is important.
During the waxing moon one can stand at night and look at the moon, raise the right hand and  say:  “Just as the moon grows full in the heavens, so may my whole being be filled with health and vigor – or with love, light, that I may become a true servant of God” (repeat 3 times)
“Just as the Moon is waning and fading in the heavens, so may such and such a vice or weakness diminish and disappear, for the glory of God” (repeat 3 times).
This year the full Moon of May will be on May 15 in the evening: When the sun is still in Taurus, the great Initiates and Masters from all over the world gather in a sacred place in the Himalayas to synchronize with the impulsion of Mother Nature and its laws to do their work so it can bear the best results.
And what is their work? To give birth to the highest and most exalted thoughts and feelings to shower over humanity. Like zillions little particles of light seeds they sow in the soil of our souls. Their work is always to uplift human beings to a higher consciousness and bring them to their divine potential. This prolific time of the year is so perfect for them to do this work and they know how to use the power of Nature to support their goal.
Whether we have the ability to join them in our astral body or in thoughts, the important thing for is to try to connect with them so we receive particles of their glorious emanations and work.

Short announcement: we have now an Instagram account and we invite you to follow us and like us. Thanking you in advance.

Carmen for The Aquarian Team
Based on several books entitled by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov and available through or Amazon

Issue #107 The Body of Glory

The Body of Glory

As Easter is approaching, it is a good time to write about the meaning of the resurrection and transfiguration.
To better understand what the Body of Glory is, we have to begin with our own physical body and the subtle bodies it is connected to.
The etheric body is the one that sustains life and the ability to feel. It acts as an intermediary between the physical body and the more subtle bodies such as the astral, mental, causal, buddhic and atmic bodies. As long as we are alive, we have these bodies.
The physical body and the etheric body are linked by the silver cord at four different points or seeds: the 1st at the brain, the 2nd at the heart, the 3rd at the solar plexus, and the 4th at the liver. When we are born, we bring these four seeds as tiny atoms on which are inscribed and recorded all our physical and psychic characteristics attributed by the Twenty-four Lords of the Karmas and the Angels in their service. These seeds follow the same law of nature as the lines of force that apply to all seeds in the vegetable kingdom and in all kingdoms for that matter.  
The seed of the etheric body is located in the ventricle near the heart and it is the seed that holds the Body of Glory or the Body of the Resurrection.
As you see in the illustration below, the etheric body is in correspondence with the Buddhic body and that is how we develop the Body of Glory. The Buddhic body is the body of selfless love, bliss and absolute purity. This is the state that Jesus and Gautama Buddha reached: the state of illumination called Christ or Buddha state.
If life can be prolonged it is through working on the etheric body to make it more vibrant and healthier. As we chose to nourish the physical body with the best quality food, we must also nourish our Buddhic body with divine food, the most pure and shining elements: luminous and pure thoughts and desires. This is how we form our Body of Glory, the body of immortality.
Moreover, it is in the etheric and Buddhic bodies that Jesus rose from the tomb, not in his physical body. That is why he told Mary Magdalene “Touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father…” And the transfiguration is a manifestation of the Body of Glory. It is with his Body of Glory that Jesus said he would never leave us and would stay with us for ever.

Such a good time of the year to work on this inner seed by creating the best conditions for spiritual life for that seed has the potential to make us gods!

Short announcement: we have now an Instagram account and we invite you to follow us and like us. Thanking you in advance.

Carmen for The Aquarian Team
Based on the book entitled: Christmas and Easter in the Iniatic Tradidion by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov and available through or Amazon

Issue #106 The number 13

The number 13

Why do people avoid the number 13 in general? In itself the number 13 is neither good nor bad but rather it depends on how people are influenced by it and the influence of what is around it. This is true for water, air, light and even food. We each receive them differently according to our health, structure, degree of development and elevation. Some are stimulated, others become ill and others begin to reflect.
One thing for sure is we cannot deny that it is a very significant number: Jesus and his 12 disciples, the sun and the 12 constellations.
In the Initiatic Tradition, it is said that the number 13 does not like impurities and it fights them. For those interested in numerology, 13 equates 4 (1 + 3 = 4) represented by a cube. And the cube symbolises limitations, a prison. If you open it in a two-dimensional space, it forms a cross, and the cross is the symbol of suffering. Therefore for those who are not pure 13 brings suffering, limitations, imprisonment.
In general, for the saints, prophets and initiates the number 13 is very favourable whereas it upsets, troubles and punishes other people; it can even provoke very serious events. As it is a number that cleans and purities, those who cannot resist the cleaning process are rejected or eliminated. That is why most people try to avoid it.
Those who possess the feminine qualities of goodness, love and gentleness may be able to counteract its influence. One thing that is important to remember here is that it is better to avoid being 13 at a table as a misfortune or an accident may fall on the youngest or the weakest on the psychic plane.
To conclude, one must be very pure and full of love to feel all right with the number 13.

Short announcement: we have now an Instagram account and we invite you to follow us and like us. Thanking you in advance.

Carmen for The Aquarian Team
Based on the book entitled: Hrani Yoga, the Alchemical and Magical Meaning of Nutrition by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov and available through

You can read past newsletters on under the tab “newsletters”

Issue #105 Love and Sexuality


Back in 1981, I was fortunate enough to meet the great Sage and Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov in private in his garden. He then said there are points that concern everyone without exception: nutrition, sexuality and reincarnation.

In past newsletters, we covered both subjects of nutrition and reincarnation*, so this month, being Valentine’s month, let’s talk about sexuality and love. Cosmic Intelligence has given creatures specific organs with specific functions for a specific purpose. Some of those we still have not fully understood such as the role of the pineal gland (the seat of illumination) in human beings which means that we haven’t yet reached our full development.

The chakra system from Hinduism teaches that the wheels of energy are linked from the sexual organs all the way up to the crown chakra (pineal gland).  One can only imagine what kind of power it represents as the energy rises and multiplies on its way up. If the energy is always used at the first level, it never gets to feed the upper levels, like a tap left open in the basement where the pressure is lost to the upper floors. The image is the same for us.

The sexual force is essential for the expression of life. For human beings, life becomes meaningful with the expression of love. So life and love are closely related except that it becomes distorted when it is used solely to satisfy oneself at the expense of others. When sexuality and love are united with a purpose, that of ennobling the partner by linking him/her to their divine principle or when both partners offer their energies to a sublime ideal such as bringing Heaven on Earth, the flow of energy merges the entire being, body, soul and spirit. Connecting one’s physicality with Heaven brings the best of both worlds and gives meaning to love and to life.

Carmen for The Aquarian Team

*you can read past newsletters on under the tab “newsletters”
Recommended reading:  Sexual force of the winged Dragon  by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov published by Prosveta:

Issue #104 We are all one

We are all connected

Happy New Year dear readers! Let your guardian Angel guide your steps throughout 2022.

      In every January issue, we’ve mentioned the importance of the first 12 days as they represent the corresponding months.

       This year, how about if we focus on helping during these 12 days? Like finding a way each day on helping someone or with something? Keep a diary every night of the ways you found to help during these first 12 days and notice later the link between each day and their corresponding month. It is very revealing to notice the connection.

      There is a French book that I read some years ago of a lady named Nicole Dron who had a near-death experience. Her book in French is entitled 45 seconds of eternity: my memories of the afterlife (although the book is in French, you can read the summary of her book through here:

       What stood out for me in this book was the question a Being of Light asked her while she was on the other side: “How much have you loved?” and “How much have you helped others?” It brought me to tears. It was not asked to arouse guilt but out of love as a way of finding out where one is at. This seems to be how we are measured, weighed by, on the other side. Here, on Earth, we put so much emphasis on material conditions, accumulations and social status which means so little, if not nothing, beyond earth life. It is the soul that counts, the quality of our being over everything else.

        And to better understand what love and service mean on a larger scale, the following excerpt may help:

There is a living hierarchy in nature which links all creatures in one unbroken chain, and it is thanks to this hierarchy and to our ties with beings of a higher order, that we have the power to climb to greater heights. But it is also by means of this hierarchy that we are linked to all creatures of a lower order, even to the very stones of the earth”. *

     We can remain connected to this living chain by opening ourselves up to these Beings of Light and accepting their guidance. And then be ready to help all creatures whenever we can.

      Coming back to Nicole’s book above, we too one day will have to answer how much we loved and how much we helped others. Why not being aware of it beginning with the first 12 days of 2022?
Formula for 2022:    

       To have a heart as pure as a crystal,
                            A mind as luminous as the sun,
                            A soul as vast as the universe,
                            And a spirit as powerful as God and one with God.

This formula was given as the High Ideal by Master Peter Deunov to his disciples in Bulgaria.                        
Happy 12 days for a happy 2022
*From The Second Birth: Love, Wisdom and Truth p. 220 by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, published by Prosveta.

Issue #103 December, a mystical month

December, a mystical month

Winter is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere. For some people, it is a time to draw inside, in our warm homes or deeper  inside ourselves. For other people, it is a time to go about shopping and making the festive preparation for family gatherings.
As seasons come and go, we too have a rhythm that brings us to be more quiet, withdrawn or more active. The limited amount of sunlight at this time of the year is enough to bring us indoor. So, how can we use the rhythm of Mother Nature this month and go within so we can nourish our soul and spirit?
We all wish for happiness but it does not come from money, intellectual knowledge or sentimental experiences. Happiness, like love, belongs to a higher realm of our being, a more encompassing region captured by our soul and spirit. Most of us have had these hunches or gut feelings, even premonitions. These are threads of intuition connected to the subtle realms of our soul and spirits.
This season is a good time to go within and nurture our soul and spirit by inspirational reading, meditation or prayer so as to strengthen this connection with our own inner power, our higher Self, the Christ within. Christ is not a person; it is a principle representing the perfection of one’s development. Jesus was not born the Christ but became overshadowed by the Christ when he was ready to receive the Holy Spirit at age 30. That was his second birth: born of water and fire, born of wisdom and love, from human to divine and standing in truth.
To experience our second birth means to take time to leave some external activities and go within. We may have had no say in our physical birth but our spiritual birth is our own making through our own efforts. Nourishing our soul means expanding our inner space to connect with the universal soul, and nourishing our spirit means uniting with own divinity.
Have a mystical and wonderful month of December
PS inspired by The Second Birth and Christmas and Easter in the Initiatic Tradition.

Issue #102 Let's talk about nutrition

Let's talk about nutrition

In this issue, let’s talk about nutrition: you have heard the statement before that we are what we eat. Well, if we look a little deeper we will find that the actual sentence is “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are”. It was a French lawyer, politician, and famous gastronome, Jean Brillat-Savarin, who wrote this in 1826. How more pertinent it is nowadays with all the chemical fertilizers, pollution and processed food. Each one of us can bring a little reflection on that aspect alone but one thing we can all agree on is that nutrition concerns all of us every day.

In the little book entitled Yoga of Nutrition we read that the food that contains the most solar particles is the one that will sustain our vitality the most, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, etc. 

We also learn in that powerful little gem of a book that the quality of food is important but above all, what is even more vital is the attitude in which we eat because we impregnate our food with our thoughts and feelings. So, whatever we eat, if we eat it in a hurry,  arguing, angry or stressed, the glands, the stomach will be influeced by those thoughts and feelings and will end up poisoning our organism in the long run.

The ideal is to prepare our food with gentleness and love, eat it slowly, chewing well, and to give thanks to the four elements who worked on making it. Such an attitude creates peace, harmony and good conditions for the cells in our body to be fortified and vivified. Three times a day, we will be plenty rewarded with health, vitality, and inspiration. Even our subtle bodies will benefit from this exercise with a clearer mind, a peaceful heart and a goodwill to accomplish the tasks expected from us daily.

If you would like to learn more about nutrition, join us on Nov. 21 at 10:45 Eastern Time or 7:45 Pacific Time for a one hour Zoom discussion on applying the yoga of nutrition in our lives. It is free. Copy and paste this in your calendar :
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 9697 5743
Passcode: 715641  

Issue #101 Feast of St Michael or Michaelmass

Autumn Equinox – Feast of St Michael or Michaelmas

The practice of celebrating Michaelmas on September 29 became official in the Middle Ages as a harvest festival. This feast honors the Archangel Michael who is a figure common to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. According to the Waldorf tradition, He is a symbol of good triumphing over evil, courage over cowardice. The celebration of this holiday teaches the importance of facing fears and strengthening resolve.
In the Initiatic Tradition, it is one of the four Cardinal Feasts. It is the Archangel Michael who presides over the autumn equinox, hence the name of the Feast of St Michael. It is a time of separation, when fruit and nuts are ripe and fall to the ground; grains are sorted, consumed or stored for the next cycle of growth.
Hermes Trismegistus relates to this process when he spoke of “separating the subtle form the gross, gently and with great skill”. To separate the subtle from the gross is to separate the spiritual from the material. At this time of the year, at least in the northern hemisphere, the whole of nature undergoes this process of separation in preparation for the coming of new life.
Separation is a law of life. And what happens in nature also happens with us and within us. For example, on the material level, we know that with food we need to separate the good from the bad, the edible from the non-edible parts. On the spiritual level, this process of separation takes place when the soul leaves the body at the time of death. The body leaves its husk to the ground so the soul can experience a more subtle life as it travels and visits other dimensions.  
Now is a good opportunity to visit our inner garden to sort out what habits and patterns have grown that we are willing to let go of.
Here is a simple exercise: write on a piece of paper what you want to separate yourself from and a wish to replace it with. Fold the paper and with great intent burn it while linking with the presence and power of Archangel Michael.
Happy Feast of St Michael.

Coordinator of The Aquarian Team
The above article was inspired by Vol. 32The Fruits of the Tree of Life The Cabbalistic Traditionavailable at Prosveta Canada

You can buy your copy of A New Humanity is Rising at Banyen Books in Vancouver or from your favorite bookstore. Also at Balboa Press, Amazon or by email at TheAquarianTeam ($19.95 + $4.95 shipping fees within Canada).

Issue #100 The Four Sacred Sciences

The Four Sacred Sciences

Wow, already at the 100th number of newsletter! The Aquarian Team hopes that you enjoy reading our articles. You can also revisit previous issues by going to our website: under "newsletters".

In our 3rd book, we dedicated a chapter to the four sacred sciences of the Initiatic tradition. Before chemistry, mathematics, astronomy and magic were discovered by traditional sciences, Initiates already knew of them through their inner work because these sciences already existed in the subtle planes. So, for the Initiates 
chemistry corresponds to alchemy
mathematics to  Kabbalah
astronomy to astrology
magic to  magic

How does that help us in our development, you may ask? How can we progress towards reclaiming our divinity? Dorette Chappuis, the wonderful author of this chapter, tells the readers that alchemy is the path of self-transformation where we learn the art of changing raw materials into more subtle substances. And nutrition is the fastest way.

Through astrology, we receive the revelations inscribed in the cosmos and it is through conscious breathing that we perceive them.

Through Kabbalah, and the Tree of Life, we learn about the structure of the universe, we develop the ability to perceive a clear pathway, the mathematical circulation of energies so we can remain focused and avoid being scattered in our evolution. It is through studying the Tree of Life (thinking and profound reflection) that the Kabbalah is revealed.

And with magic, the art of spreading beneficial influences, we become a white magician. It is with proper words and gestures that we express this science.

You can buy your copy of A New Humanity is Rising at Banyen Books in Vancouver or from your favorite bookstore, through Balboa Press, Amazon or by emailing us at TheAquarianTeam ($19.95 plus shipping fee of $4.95 within Canada)

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team