Issue #119 Spring is here and so are sunrises

Spring is here and so are sunrises

We’ve just past the spring equinox and although it is not quite warm in Canada yet, we can feel the days getting longer and a springing eagerness to go out longer and to garden.
From the spring equinox, the Tradition teaches that it is Archangel Raphael who takes charge of nature with a host of angels. And just as nature is revived by the new energies, with the sap rising in the trees, burgeoning of plants and the buzzing of the bees looking for fresh pollen, we too must benefit through more zeal and enthusiasm, and it should not only physically but it should also stimulate us spiritually.

One of the best ways to do that is to start attending the sunrise to receive with its light, warmth and life! A real burst to nourish the subtle bodies, strengthen one’s aura and expand one’s consciousness. The sun is the best representation of our Higher Self, of our Christ self because it is totally impersonal, always giving regardless of who looks at it.

Another exercise to do is as we notice the bursting forth of nature with burgeoning and flowering, we can link with that manifestation and bring it within so our soul also benefits from the influx. And why not share it with your partner, family, friends, community and all of humanity?

Carmen for The Aquarian Team
This article is inspired by Vol. 32 entitled: "The Fruits of the Tree of Life: The Cabbalistic Tradition" by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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