Issue #110 The Meaning of Celebrations

Happy Canada Day
the meaning of celebrations from the initiatic point of view

“Did the initiates of the past instituted celebrations simply for humans to amuse themselves? No, their intention was primarily to provide them with a pause, to suspend the work rhythm which, in that epoch, was continuous and exhausting since vacations and holidays were unheard of. These initiates wanted to set free, at least for a moment, the consciousness of so many men and women overburdened with duties that affected and destroyed their health; they wanted to create a release valve in order to free their restrained psychic energies.  Celebrations and Feasts, through songs, dances, games, laughter and exchanges, can provide this release and create a fraternal ambiance in which people feel understood and supported.
Still, through these celebrations, initiates had yet another goal:  they wanted to bring human beings to seek energies in these subtle regions that could regenerate and vivify their heart and soul. In this ambiance of joyous and beneficial exchanges, luminous entities come to draw energies, using them, afterwards, to carry on their work throughout the world.  Do you wish to help them in their work? You can consciously offer them the joy and spiritual wealth a celebration has brought to you so that others can benefit as well. This joy, this wealth will be returned to you amplified.  This is how the initiates, in their wisdom, understand the meaning of a celebration.  For, if wisdom is solemn, it is also filled with gaiety.”

This extract was taken from The laughter of a Sage by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, Izvor Collection (pocket book collection), no. 243, available through or Amazon

Carmen for The Aquarian Team 

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Dear friends and readers,

The picture above is of Mount Kailash in the Himalayas where it is believed that all the great Masters and Initiates meet during the full moon of may to celebrate the Wesak ceremony.

Join us for this coming Sunday, May 15, with the following topics as I will be giving the talk about these subjects

  • A special Wesak celebration (yes, full moon is on May 15 and the sun is still in Taurus).

  • Working with the different phases of the moon.

Hoping to see you on Zoom
Carmen for The Aquarian Team