Issue #113 Superb Mt Shasta

From Mount Shasta

My husband Jim and I are presently at Mount Shasta for the first American congress of the Universal White Brotherhood. The association that puts into practice the Teaching and methods of Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.
Mount Shasta is truly mismerizing by its splendour but also by the legends that surrounds its existence. From North American Indian legends to mystical beliefs such as hiding entries to Agartha, the civilisation at the centre of the earth, to a golden temple above its summit in the etheric plane to vision of flying saucers hiding in the cloud near the top, Mt Shasta is full of mysteries and fantasmagoric stories. One thing for sure is for decades, thousands of people have come to host their spiritual retreats, to celebrate the quinoxes and soltices and in particular the Wesak at the full moon of May.

The reason why the  congress is hosted here is that Master Omraam Aïvanhov stayed in this area for nearly four months in 1981. He prayed, meditated and contemplated this mountain which he could see right out his window. A great Master in communion with the Cosmos and the surrounding Nature can pour blessings over the people of a region, a country and the entire humanity. It is very symbolic that this first congress is hosted here. People from 5 continents have come to spend a week together to practice sunrise meditations, do some gymnastics to strenghten body, mind and soul, sing beautiful songs of great harmony, dance paneurhythmy, do yoga of nutrition, listen to words of wisdom (audio or video recordings) from the Master, meet the collective tasks for a smooth operation and spend the rest of the time in nature or sharing with these like minded souls. The theme of the congress is "Living in Unity: A Spiritual Path for Our Time". Regardless of people's religions, color or language, here we speak the language of the soul: we try to unite all our faculties so we vibrate in harmony with oneself, with the others and the cosmos.
We recognize that we all need to love and be loved, we all need to understand and shine our light, we all need to create be it physically, mentally or artistically speaking. Here we do all that very consciously. We explore our potential, surpass our limits and experience the life of the future humanity filled with joy, harmony, enthusiasm and promises.

Here is a Daily Meditation on UNITY from June 15, 2022

"When we hear talk of unity in the field of economics, and domestic or international politics, it is always an anarchic unity, like bandits who join together to carry out their crimes. This is not true unity, but this is how people think of it: as banding together to pounce on others and destroy them. When the citizens of a nation say, ‘Let’s unite’ and the sole purpose of this union is to attack their neighbour, this is not true unity. True unity is meant to be as all-encompassing as possible. If an organ achieves unity for itself but fails to work in harmony with the others, it will perhaps feel fine, but the others will suffer and unity will be compromised as a result. When we speak of unity, we are referring to a universal, cosmic unity from which nothing is excluded. But this unity must first be established within ourselves: all our cells, all our tendencies must be directed towards God. Our efforts to bring this about will be reflected in all the other scattered unities, which will come together to form a universal whole." Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

 Carmen for The Aquarian Team