Issue #114 Life and Death are connected

Life and Death inextricably bound one to the other

November is often associated with death. Most people fear death and for many reasons. Because they think there is nothing beyond; because they identify with their body so when the body dies they feel they’ll lose their identity; or because they don’t want to leave their dear ones behind. These reasons are not spoken about and are often kept buried deep within without any re-evaluation. Yet we all know that we will have to die eventually.

The Western world looks at life like through the peep hole of the key holder. People only see very little and do not grasp the full picture. In Eastern philosophies or the initiatic philosophy where the knowledge of the human structure with its subtle bodies is given more attention, death is considered a passage to the higher realms. Fear of death for us Westerners is based on ignoring our human and divine structure. Once we know that we are more than our body, that we are a soul and a spirit manifesting in different realms, then death is not so foreign. People may say they cannot see the soul or the spirit. True. You cannot see love either yet it acts so powerfully that people move countries or relinquish their titles to protect and support that invisible feeling called love.

Those who have developed the ability of astral projection or had near death experiences tell their stories about feeling more alive in the invisible then in the visible. They say that everything is clearer on the other side of the veil; that the five senses are very limited here on earth comparing to the life of the soul in the afterlife; that time as we know it doesn’t exist and that we shouldn’t be scared of moving to another realm as our identity is not lost; we remain who we are in consciousness and with a much clearer understanding our ourselves.

Death is a change of realm just like a fruit that is being recycled to become life again in another form. It is our limited understanding that causes fear and loss. The more our awareness expands, the more we understand the great mystery of life. Death is then understood as a state of transformation linked to life. Both work together in the great cycle of existence until we reintegrate our Divinity. 
The recent Thought for the Day on Oct. 22, offers a good understanding of the connection between life and death:

"Life and death: the whole of creation rests on these two words. Life cannot be understood without death, nor death without life. They go together, inextricably bound one to the other. As soon as life appears, it is immediately under threat of death. But death itself never has the last word: the moment its work is done, life takes over again, but in another form. Taken individually, the words life and death are actually meaningless. Death receives meaning from life, and life from death. This is why we shall never really understand life until the day we go through the doors of death into a new form of life."   Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

 Carmen for The Aquarian Team

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