Issue #105 Love and Sexuality


Back in 1981, I was fortunate enough to meet the great Sage and Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov in private in his garden. He then said there are points that concern everyone without exception: nutrition, sexuality and reincarnation.

In past newsletters, we covered both subjects of nutrition and reincarnation*, so this month, being Valentine’s month, let’s talk about sexuality and love. Cosmic Intelligence has given creatures specific organs with specific functions for a specific purpose. Some of those we still have not fully understood such as the role of the pineal gland (the seat of illumination) in human beings which means that we haven’t yet reached our full development.

The chakra system from Hinduism teaches that the wheels of energy are linked from the sexual organs all the way up to the crown chakra (pineal gland).  One can only imagine what kind of power it represents as the energy rises and multiplies on its way up. If the energy is always used at the first level, it never gets to feed the upper levels, like a tap left open in the basement where the pressure is lost to the upper floors. The image is the same for us.

The sexual force is essential for the expression of life. For human beings, life becomes meaningful with the expression of love. So life and love are closely related except that it becomes distorted when it is used solely to satisfy oneself at the expense of others. When sexuality and love are united with a purpose, that of ennobling the partner by linking him/her to their divine principle or when both partners offer their energies to a sublime ideal such as bringing Heaven on Earth, the flow of energy merges the entire being, body, soul and spirit. Connecting one’s physicality with Heaven brings the best of both worlds and gives meaning to love and to life.

Carmen for The Aquarian Team

*you can read past newsletters on under the tab “newsletters”
Recommended reading:  Sexual force of the winged Dragon  by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov published by Prosveta: