Issue #109 Artistic Creations

Artistic creation

We mentioned in previous issues how the structure of our human nature is constituted with our lower nature:  physical, astral, mental bodies, and with our higher nature: causal, buddhic and atmic bodies.
For the sake of our newsletter this month, let’s just take our inner trinity the mind, heart and willpower corresponding to our lower nature. In the higher realms, they are respectively associated as the mind being wisdom, the heart being love and the willpower with creativity.
When artistic creations are solely based on the lower nature, their influence affects people towards confusion (when one cannot tell from head to tails in paintings, for example) towards sadness (when it drives people to lose hope) and even towards darkness (such as crimes).  Where does the inspiration come from? The artists’ limited astral self or from their higher Self, from their soul and spirit?
Nowadays, movies, songs, and various entertainment means are made to stir a lot of emotions in people. This is how artists give the crowd what it wants but just look at the results; with younger and younger people using arms to do mass killing.
Artists have a great responsibility in how they influence people with their art.
Each one of us is an artist, first on our own selves! With a bit of reason (wisdom) in our mind, a great love in our heart for our fellow human beings and with the will to create sublime realities, we can become conscious co-creators.
Here is the Thought of the Day for today, June 1st. You can receive it for free by email every day by subscribing in the red box of the following link:

Wednesday, June 1, 2022« In granting some people artistic talents, heaven has blessed them with a great treasure thanks to which they can work wonders; but often they are unaware of this and do not fully believe in the power of these gifts.
An artist’s ideal must be to lead all beings towards the Divinity. In so doing, their name will be inscribed in the Book of Life and it will be recorded that they have saved many souls from tribulation and death. They should not worry about their own soul – if they save the souls of others, someone will in turn save theirs. If a person spreads joy all around, others will bring joy to them. »
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Carmen for The Aquarian Team