Issue # 108 Wesak and Phases of the Moon

The phases of the Moon and the Wesak, full moon of May

What is the role of the Moon? We know it influences the tides, the crops, childbirth (increase on the full moon), and people’s moods.
In the Tradition of the Initiates, the Sun is related to the Spirit: it always gives, always stable. The Moon is related to the soul and the psychic world and the Earth to the physical, tangible world.
The Moon’s function is to reflect and as it is situated between the Sun and the Earth, the part that is turned towards the Earth reflects what is inferior whereas the part turned towards the Sun reflects what is superior. Therefore, the Moon phases of waxing and waning have a tremendous influence whether we are aware of it or not.
In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, it is the Sephirah Iesod that represents the Moon. It is also at that level that purity becomes so important if we want to grow with the beneficial influence of the Tree otherwise, without purity, we remain within the influence of the Moon turned towards the Earth with all its negativity and lower astral influence. Purity is the foundation of spiritual life and by purity, we do not infer necessarily chastity but purity in thoughts, feelings, goals, actions, etc.
The more disinterested one becomes, the more solid is the foundation toward enlightenment.   
Formulas, words, gestures and everything we accomplish on the physical plane are reflected up to the higher levels and produces effects; hence the statement: “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven”. That is why reciting formulas and prayers is important.
During the waxing moon one can stand at night and look at the moon, raise the right hand and  say:  “Just as the moon grows full in the heavens, so may my whole being be filled with health and vigor – or with love, light, that I may become a true servant of God” (repeat 3 times)
“Just as the Moon is waning and fading in the heavens, so may such and such a vice or weakness diminish and disappear, for the glory of God” (repeat 3 times).
This year the full Moon of May will be on May 15 in the evening: When the sun is still in Taurus, the great Initiates and Masters from all over the world gather in a sacred place in the Himalayas to synchronize with the impulsion of Mother Nature and its laws to do their work so it can bear the best results.
And what is their work? To give birth to the highest and most exalted thoughts and feelings to shower over humanity. Like zillions little particles of light seeds they sow in the soil of our souls. Their work is always to uplift human beings to a higher consciousness and bring them to their divine potential. This prolific time of the year is so perfect for them to do this work and they know how to use the power of Nature to support their goal.
Whether we have the ability to join them in our astral body or in thoughts, the important thing for is to try to connect with them so we receive particles of their glorious emanations and work.

Short announcement: we have now an Instagram account and we invite you to follow us and like us. Thanking you in advance.

Carmen for The Aquarian Team
Based on several books entitled by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov and available through or Amazon