Issue #103 December, a mystical month

December, a mystical month

Winter is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere. For some people, it is a time to draw inside, in our warm homes or deeper  inside ourselves. For other people, it is a time to go about shopping and making the festive preparation for family gatherings.
As seasons come and go, we too have a rhythm that brings us to be more quiet, withdrawn or more active. The limited amount of sunlight at this time of the year is enough to bring us indoor. So, how can we use the rhythm of Mother Nature this month and go within so we can nourish our soul and spirit?
We all wish for happiness but it does not come from money, intellectual knowledge or sentimental experiences. Happiness, like love, belongs to a higher realm of our being, a more encompassing region captured by our soul and spirit. Most of us have had these hunches or gut feelings, even premonitions. These are threads of intuition connected to the subtle realms of our soul and spirits.
This season is a good time to go within and nurture our soul and spirit by inspirational reading, meditation or prayer so as to strengthen this connection with our own inner power, our higher Self, the Christ within. Christ is not a person; it is a principle representing the perfection of one’s development. Jesus was not born the Christ but became overshadowed by the Christ when he was ready to receive the Holy Spirit at age 30. That was his second birth: born of water and fire, born of wisdom and love, from human to divine and standing in truth.
To experience our second birth means to take time to leave some external activities and go within. We may have had no say in our physical birth but our spiritual birth is our own making through our own efforts. Nourishing our soul means expanding our inner space to connect with the universal soul, and nourishing our spirit means uniting with own divinity.
Have a mystical and wonderful month of December
PS inspired by The Second Birth and Christmas and Easter in the Initiatic Tradition.