Issue #102 Let's talk about nutrition

Let's talk about nutrition

In this issue, let’s talk about nutrition: you have heard the statement before that we are what we eat. Well, if we look a little deeper we will find that the actual sentence is “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are”. It was a French lawyer, politician, and famous gastronome, Jean Brillat-Savarin, who wrote this in 1826. How more pertinent it is nowadays with all the chemical fertilizers, pollution and processed food. Each one of us can bring a little reflection on that aspect alone but one thing we can all agree on is that nutrition concerns all of us every day.

In the little book entitled Yoga of Nutrition we read that the food that contains the most solar particles is the one that will sustain our vitality the most, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, etc. 

We also learn in that powerful little gem of a book that the quality of food is important but above all, what is even more vital is the attitude in which we eat because we impregnate our food with our thoughts and feelings. So, whatever we eat, if we eat it in a hurry,  arguing, angry or stressed, the glands, the stomach will be influeced by those thoughts and feelings and will end up poisoning our organism in the long run.

The ideal is to prepare our food with gentleness and love, eat it slowly, chewing well, and to give thanks to the four elements who worked on making it. Such an attitude creates peace, harmony and good conditions for the cells in our body to be fortified and vivified. Three times a day, we will be plenty rewarded with health, vitality, and inspiration. Even our subtle bodies will benefit from this exercise with a clearer mind, a peaceful heart and a goodwill to accomplish the tasks expected from us daily.

If you would like to learn more about nutrition, join us on Nov. 21 at 10:45 Eastern Time or 7:45 Pacific Time for a one hour Zoom discussion on applying the yoga of nutrition in our lives. It is free. Copy and paste this in your calendar :
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