Issue #122 Living the 3rd testament

Living the 3rd Testament

It is quite daring to choose such a title for this month’s article. And I am amazed at how much has been written on the subject of a 3rd testament on the internet. With a creative imagination, what would you say if you had to write about this subject?

For my part, here is what I say:

Do not seek, and you shall find.
Do not ask, and you will be answered
Do not knock and doors will open.

And why so?  When we live from the self, we are subject to limitations, to the human aspect of our structure, to the ego driven energy and we depend on our own resources to find answers and solutions. But when we begin to live from the soul and the spirit point of view, the higher Self, another force awakens in us and takes the driver seat, the intuition. From there, we find answers before seeking them; no need to ask, things come our way; and new doors open on their own before we even need to knock.

Of course this represents a new state of consciousness. A state that is there available for us, our higher Self. It is a part of us but since we have not been taught to use it, like a limb that is not used, it is atrophied. If we could fuse our human nature to our divine nature, what a wonderful way to live it would be!

And I dare add another one:  Do unto others what has been done unto you!  This idea came recently when people were thanking me and the team for organizing the Fraternal Forum (the Brotherhood in the USA) congress held in Quebec at the Canadian brotherhood center called Blagoslovenie (which means all blessings). Spontaneously, I told some of these people, “Well do unto others as has been done unto you” meaning, share the good of doing good when good people do good things!  Like a pay forward! 

I truly believe that we have the potential of living at a level of consciousness where there is no struggle, where life flows so beautifully, generously and harmoniously.  Each person would then be a 3rdtestament in action.

Carmen for The Aquarian Team

Inspired by the pocket book entitled:  “Man’s two natures: human and divine”, available at Amazon or through