Issue # 124 Cosmic balance

Cosmic Balance

As we just past the culminating point of the fall equinox, we can reflect on a pair of scales. It is Archangel Mikhael who governs this Cardinal Feast of the fall equinox. The Tradition mentions that he weighs each soul in the great Cosmic Scale to see their good deeds and their shortcomings. It is a good opportunity to revise where we stand. Do we put some time aside to nourish our soul with inspiring reading, contemplative walks in nature and to also sustain Spirit within us by being quiet and feeling its presence?
Life is busy for all of us and excuses come in many forms, yet what remains after our bodies are gone is our soul and spirit so if we do not nourish them here in our full awareness, we will be poorer on the other side.
The pair of scale reminds us that there is a constant oscillation between the two pans. If we put all our energy in physical activities then one pan is heavily weight down and risks collapsing. Spiritual activities are needed in the other pan in order to bring a fluctuation in the scale. It is that fluctuation between the two pans that assures exchanges, movement and life in creation and for us in our life it assures growth, understanding, and advancement.
As fall is upon us, let us reflect upon on the two pans of our inner scale.
Inspired by the pocket book entitled “Cosmic Balance”: