#128 Love as a spring flows

Love as a spring flows

The month of February is often associated with love due to Valentine’s day.
We can think of love as a fresh water spring that keeps its water flowing and stays limpid. People ask to be loved but are they able to love as much as they want to be loved? These expectations more than not bring disappointment and suffering.
If we are to imitate a spring, it does not ask if we like it or not, it just keep flowing and that’s what protects it from accumulating impurities.
Also, if we want our love to keep flowing why not connect the ones we love to the Source! Yes, the Source on High and think of that love not as ours but as flowing through us towards our loved one. And when we receive love from our beloved, instead of keeping for ourselves, why not inwardly share it will all humanity so it does not stop with us but keeps flowing. It is our limited self that wants it all for itself whereas our higher Self is always willing to share and expand. By tending towards something greater than us, something vaster, we reach out towards spirit and spirit is one with everything, so in fact, that love comes back to us amplified and purer because of that impersonality.


Carmen for The Aquarian Team

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