November 2019, Issue #79 The Aquarian Team Newsletter
Body, Mind and Soul fair at the Edgar Cayce association (A.R.E. Association for Research and Enlightenment) in Virginia Beach.
On Saturday October 5, we had the opportunity to do the psychic fair “Body, mind and soul” at the Edgar Cayce association with a talk and book stand. The whole idea emerged back last Spring and became a reality in August through an American sister, Ana Karina from Virginia and The Aquarian Team. Ana Karina is a member of the A.R.E. as I am. Moreover, the Master thought very highly of Edgar Cayce and mentions his name in some of his lectures. He visited the A.R.E. back in 1981 and met with his son, Hugh Lynn Cayce, so the opportunity fitted very well to do this psychic fair.
Ana Karina did most of the preparation with flyers, hotel reservation and communication with invitation to some brothers and sisters. I was in charge of the talk: “Light and Colors in the Spiritual Life” with a Power Point presentation, organizing and selling the books for the fair with those of The Aquarian Team and many titles from the Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.
And although, we had only a handful of brothers and sisters physically with us, there were many more linked with us in thought. In fact, we felt supported on every level and every step of the way and we are most grateful for the visible and invisible helpers!
It turned out a real success with a hall totally filled for the presentation. All participants received a free Daily Meditation for the occasion. We also invited those who came to the presentation and purchased books to attend a free video lecture of the Master the next day at a conference room of the nearby hotel and again every seat was filled. For that occasion, we made a brief introduction explaining why we sing together, how to do the laser meditation and use music with our imagination to create new thought forms. The theme of the video lecture of the Master was “Only a high Ideal can bring fulfilment” which fitted very well with the Edgar Cayce people because it is often mentioned in his readings how an ideal is important on all levels. After the video lecture, we recited all together the High Ideal prayer from Master Peter Deunov.
We received wonderful testimonies from attendees and from the brothers and sisters who were present. We also realized what a potential there is in the US to spread the Teaching of the Master through such occasions. We hope there will be many more in the future to shine the Light.
Prayer for the high Ideal:
To have a heart as pure as crystal,
A mind as luminous as the sun,
A soul as vast as the universe
A spirit as powerful as God and one with God.
Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov with Hugh Lynn
1981 Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov with Hugh Lynn Cayce and secretary Agnes Lejbowicz
Ana Karina with Carmen at the book stand of the fair.
Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.
If there is a "Body, mind and soul" fair in your area and would like to help organizing a talk and booth, let us know.
If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: