# 78 St. Michaelmass celebration at the Fall equinox

October 2019,  Issue #78                               The Aquarian Team Newsletter

The St Michaelmass celebration at the Fall equinox

Although the autumn equinox is September 22nd, the feast of St. Michaelmass is celebrated on Sept. 29 which is today so we are sending this newsletter a bit early for you to read and partake in this important cosmic feast.
Here is some excerpts taken from Vol. 32 “The Fruits of the Tree of Life” by Master Omraam.
“The equinoxes and solstices, or, as I have called them, the four Cardinal Feasts, are the most vital days in the year and they are governed by Mercury (spring equinox), Easter; Venus (summer solstice) St John the Baptist; the Sun (autumn equinox) St Michael Archangel; and the Moon (winter solstice) Christmas. These are days of celebration for nature; the Angels and Archangels, all the forces of nature, even the Divine Mother herself, all take part in the festivities. Only those who understand the importance of these high days and of the prodigious forces that flood the universe at these times can truly take part in the celebrations.
These feast days were instituted by the Initiates as a reminder to human beings that, on those days, the sun sets particularly powerful currents in motion in the universe and that, if they are aware of them they can draw on these currents and use them to advance their evolution.
Just as the fruit is separated from the tree and the seed from the fruit, so is the soul separated from the body, spiritually if not physically. The body is the envelope, the wrapping, and the soul is the seed that is planted above, in the soil of Heaven. Autumn is the season for that separation of which Hermes Trismegistus speaks: ‘You shall separate the subtle form the gross, gently and with great skill.’
The Archangel Mikhaël separates the soul from the body because the soul has to travel and visit faraway places, not remain for ever on earth. Death, the separation from the physical body, is an ascension to a higher plane. The soul is carried away by St Mikhaël and weighed in his scales. His sword severs the ties which hold it to the earth, then the soul is weighed, judged and sent to the sphere that corresponds to its degree of evolution.
The Archangel Mikhaël holds sway over the forces of balance and justice and, consequently, over the forces that enables us to distinguish between good and evil in order to free the good and transform evil. But good and evil are so closely intertwined that they cannot be separated prematurely without causing some damage. The art of separating opposites is the most difficult of all arts and, thought the ages, Initiates have turned to nature for guidance.
It is also Archangel Mikhaël who has the principal role to play in the purification of the Earth. In the course of the centuries, a multitude of evil beings have inundated the earth with immensely destructive forces […] but light will triumph over darkness: this has been foretold in it will be so. Why not have a share of that triumph? The children of God who take part in the combat led by the Sun Spirit this mighty and most luminous power of God, the Archangel Mikhaël, will receive the kiss of the Angel of fire. And this kiss, instead of burning them, will illuminate them.”

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

There is an entire chapter in Vol. 32 about the Four Cardinal Feasts. These exerpts were taken from p. 246-247.

If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: