September 2019, Issue #77 The Aquarian Team Newsletter
What is the great White Brotherhood?
The White Brotherhood is primarily an invisible association composed of all the great Saints, Prophets, Initiates and Masters but also of Angels, Archangels and Divinities. They work to do the will of God and help all beings reach their divine potential. In the Christian tradition, it is known as the “Communion of the Saints”, this mystical body with Christ at the head.
In the visible, here on Earth, according to the seer and renowned clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, it is a group of souls that keeps coming back to pursue the work of Light on Earth. They’ve been around from the Atlantean times to the present. Master Peter Deunov from Bulgaria formed the association White Brotherhood at the late 1890. He sent Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov to France in 1937 who created the Universal White Brotherhood association to carry on the esoteric teaching of Peter Deunov.
The Teaching of the invisible great White Brotherhood is always the same, for Truth does not change but as humanity evolves, the methods and means change. The form adapts to each epoch. These Beings on high all work together like bees in a hive.
Come and listen to Barb and Carmen talk about this great White Brotherhood at The Point of Light this coming Thursday, Sept. 5, at 7PM
Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.
If you wish to hear some excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube: