Issue # 74 The Light and the 7 colors

June 2019,  Issue #74                        The Aquarian Team Newsletter

The Light and the 7 colors.

Here we are in the spring time for the Northern hemisphere, time for meditation at sunrise, and for the Southern hemisphere, there is always meditation with visualization!
When we attend sunrise, it is easy to focus on the light the sun emanates, a white light so powerful that it illuminates everything around. That light, we can bathe ourselves in it and vibrate with it. For example, imagine a cascade of light pouring forth into the solar system inundating everything, vivifying everything. How easy it is to just take the sun for granted yet how blissful it is to just stand there and actually feel it penetrating us, awakening our soul and reminding us that our spirit is as bright and luminous as the sun, maybe only as spark for now but with the full potential of being Christ like.
The light of the sun is like a pure white light comprised of the 7 Spirits of the 7 colors bringing every aspect, every form of nourishment to the earth but also to our soul as virtues and qualities.
I particularly I like working with the 7 colors during the breathing exercises (alternated nostril breathing which you can find the description of the Vol. 13 entitled “A New Earth: methods, exercises, formulas, prayers”) imagining the colors as seen through a prism. At the end of the sunrise, when the prana is so abundant, doing one full round breath on each color, with each of the 7 chakras is so powerful.  It is also a wonderful exercise to remain focused and to nurture the seeds of the corresponding virtues and qualities
Red is called the Spirit of Life. Red is associated with life and love of all creatures.
Orange is the Spirit of Sanctity. Orange improves our health and gives us the desire for perfection.
Yellow is the Spirit of Wisdom. It incites us to read, reflect, meditate and seek wisdom,.
Green is the Spirit of Eternity and of Evolution. It is associated with growth and development and also wealth.
Blue is the Spirit of Truth. This color is associated with religion, peace and music.
Indigo is the Spirit of Strength, the Spirit of Royalty and shares about the same properties as blue.
Purple is an extremely subtle, mystical colour which leads people to the higher regions. It is the Spirit of Divine Omnipotence and Spiritual Love. It is the Spirit of Sacrifice.
You can read some more about sunrise in Vol. 10 entitled : The Splendour of Tipharet, published at Prosveta, available on Amazon or on's website.

Carmen, coordinator of The Aquarian Team.

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Watch the interview by Lilou Mace from "Juicy Living Tour", a popular Web-TV host who speaks to influencial self-development people all over the planet. In this segment she talks with Carmen Froment of the Aquarian Team about the book, it's creation and realization. Watch it here.

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