Normally, the Wesak Festival is at the full moon of May, at the time when the sun is in Taurus, but this year the sun was in Taurus on the full moon of April 22. For the Buddhists, this festival is always held at the full moon of May which this year will be May 21st, the Buddha is said to empower forces of Enlightenment seeking contact with humanity. It marks the high-water mark of spiritual blessing in the world. There is an unusual inflow of life and of spiritual stimulation which serves to vitalize the aspiration of all humankind. The intuition of all who seek to serve the good, the beautiful and the true (regardless of their faith or spiritual background) is stimulated by this spiritual blessing.
At Wesak we can visualize the aspiration of all people of goodwill being fused into a concentrated invocation to the Buddha, the Christ, and all Enlightened Beings on the inner side of life. This is a time for dedication, a time to hold ourselves steadily in the light, and above all, a time to focus on the needs of our fellow human beings and the necessity of providing a group channel whereby the spiritual forces can be poured through the body of humanity.
A Ceremony in the Himalayas
The Initiatic Tradition says that all Initiates and spiritual Masters who look after humankind gather either physically or in their astral body for a ceremony in the Himalayas. We too can participate in this special ceremony and join them through our good will and our intention. It is recommended to prepare ourselves couple of days before with an attitude of sacredness and holding in our thoughts the idea of uplifting humanity to a higher level of consciousness, to visualize the pure white light all over the earth.
The annual celebration is one that lasts about 5 days during which people everywhere receive blessings as the Initiates convey their message of wisdom, love and truth.
May you join this celebration in Spirit!
Happy Wesak!
Carmen Froment on behalf of The Aquarian Team
PS. This year I will be in the Himalayas at Lake Manasarovar at the foot of Mount Kailash in Western Tibet precisely at the time of the Wesak with a group of Westerners invited by Swamiji Amar Jyotiji and some of his devotees.
Happy blossoming,