It is said in the Initiatic Tradition that the first 12 days represent the 12 months of the year.
Why not live these 12 days will special intent so the rest of the year reflects that beauty?
We propose to you the following exercise for the 12 days.
Jan.1 = Jan. - "Become like a spring of water"
Jan.2 = Feb. - "Gratitude: the key to happiness"
Jan.3 = March - "Dedicate your life to a sublime goal"
Jan.4 = April - "Love makes us tireless"
Jan.5 = May - "The aura: our best protection"
Jan.6 = June - "The sun, our model of perfection"
Jan.7 = July - "A vital contact with nature"
Jan.8 = August - "Our ideas determine our actions
Jan.9 = Sept. - "Use objects consciously and with love"
Jan.10= Oct. - "The outer world is a reflection of your inner world"
Jan.11= Nov. - "The beneficial influence of a spiritual collectivity"
Jan.12= Dec. - "Life in an atmosphere of poetry"
You can go more in depth with each subject by going to the Prosveta-USA website each day and check on the right hand side for textual and audio presentation. More details will be posted each day on the following website:
May you have a successful 12 days. Blessings to you all!
Carmen Froment for The Aquarian Team