"The goal in being a disciple is to obtain self-discipline in our life and most importantly in our inner life. There is an old saying from ancient Greece that says “Know Thyself”. Nowadays, when we look up to outstanding athletes, we always admire their great effort. In order to become excellent at their craft, they need to surpass themselves and it demands a lot of determination on their part. When they succeed, the glory and the rewards are tremendous in every aspect of their lives.
However, when we look into the life of disciples or someone who follows a spiritual path, it is no longer an external effort, but an inner one. They will have to face adversities through great difficulties, not only in one lifetime, but many lifetimes. Only at the end, after climbing the highest mountain inside, after facing their most powerful enemy, which is themselves, then and only then, they are ready to meet their true spiritual Teacher and be disciples.
From that moment, they can receive the divine heritage of their Master and there is no words to describe the rewards that the Universe will bring upon them. They will begin to play a role as a true servant, not by force but their own freewill. The disciples will be a great channel for their Master to work through them. They may not be recognized by their fellow humans, it does not matter, because true recognition will come from the invisible world. They will be convinced that they will never be alone. No matter the work to taken on their shoulders, they will accept it from one life to the next. They will gain great spiritual enlightenment along the path and, at the same time, they will help many other fellow humans, even without them recognizing it."
Rolff Désiré for The Aquarian Team