Issue #33 - The New Year

As I look back on the year that has gone by I am struck by how accepting I am today, right now, of all that has happened both good and not so good, how in the end everything seems to fit together perfectly to always give a new unexpected outcome.

Each year we seem to set our intentions hoping to have a smooth and peaceful year, lots of prosperity and little stress. However, life seems to like to throw that assumption out the window as it twists and turns its way with all types of challenging situations.

Yes, of course, there are peaceful and uplifting moments, often followed by stressful and sad ones. But, for each of those situations, I push myself to say “Thank you”, at times when it is near impossible.

Today, the last day of the year, I look back at this amazing collage of events that went on in the past 365 days and I see a work of art with bright colors and some dark ones that join together to create a year of my life which is a one of a kind and it is mine, so once again, “Thank you!”.

So, as I begin the New Year, I will write down some goals and intentions, also knowing that I am really going out into uncharted waters. Many things will happen, circumstances will always be changing, however the constant I will continue to use as my rudder is my gratitude for each day. I will sit in quiet and acceptance from time to time over the year and look at the newest piece of artwork and admire how it is coming along knowing that once again after 365 days I will have another unique year to hang on my life’s wall as I say “Thank you.”

A wonderful and warm New Years to you all.

Mark Walker for The Aquarian Team