Issue #48 - Watching sunrise for our growth and development

Dear reader,
What a more appropriate "Thought of the Day" for this coming Spring Season which was
published by Prosveta this March 23.

"There are so many things to discover when watching the sunrise, so many
exercises that enable us to immerse ourselves in this life, this light and this
warmth! As the day dawns, a great event is being prepared in the sky.
Clouds, sombre or bright, appear and disappear, and all the colours of dawn
are like so many signs heralding this one dazzling presence: the sun.
It is worth your while to feel that which signifies the birth of each new day. For
billions of years each new day tirelessly recreates the birth of the world’s first
morning. And how many visible and invisible creatures are also witness to
this extraordinary emergence of light! Let us join together to greet the forces
of life."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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