Issue #69 - Happy New Year everyone

As mentioned in previous January issues, the first 12 days of the year represent the entire year, the 1st being January, the 2nd February and so forth. So, if you pay attention to the way you live during the first 12 days, you will find the link to each corresponding month. You might even like to keep a diary of how your day enfolded, not only with events and people you met but also with your thoughts, feelings and actions. Later on, as each month goes by, you can verify the correspondence between the notes you took in your diary and the month itself.

All this to say is being aware, conscious, of where we stand within, is what determines the next moment because only in each present moment can we improve the next moment.  As students of life, the greatest responsibility we have is to become aware so we can choose the course of life and eventually we truly become the master of our destiny.
Wishing each and everyone of you many blessings filled with harmony, beauty and inspiration.

Love and light on behalf of the whole team

Issue #68 - December, the Christmas month

Already December, the Christmas month. Whether you live in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, the celebration of the birth of Christ is more symbolic than seasonal. Although, from a geographic point of view, it made sense that it was attributed around the winter solstice, time of the year when darkness is at its most dominant and when we stay more indoor, draw within.
 From an initiatic point of view, which is beyond geography, the birth of Christ represents a profound inner work where we are invited to go deep within our own being, through the darkness, to find the light of our own Christ child. It is good to remember that Christ is not a being but a state of consciousness. Jesus was the wonderful man and great initiate who was able to manifest the spirit of Christ. He was not born Christ, he was born Jesus, but through several initiations and inner work, he embodied for his last three years that state of consciousness that the Christ light is all about. It is reported in the Gospel of John versus 14:12 that whoever believed in Him [the Christ] will also do the works that he did and even greater works. It means that the Christ light is also accessible to every one of us.
 In our first book, What the Future of Humanity could be, we mention in the chapter entitled Science, Conscience and Superconsciousness this subject. Here is an extract that is most appropriate for this time of the year.

         Contemporary science agreed a long time ago that we only use a small fraction of our full potential. What is this full potential they are referring to? It is certainly not the capacity for more brain power. It is said that Einstein developed his capacity to 10 percent; if that is the case, most of us are well below that. Imagine what we could achieve if we developed our capacity to its full potential—to 100 percent. According to the point of view of initiatic science, this full potential comes from the superconsciousness, from this inner being, this inner spark, this profound spring, our Higher Self, where everything comes from. This source is often referred to as the fountain of youth or the philosopher’s stone. Superconsciousness is, in fact, the Second Birth, Self-realization, the Christ consciousness!
Superconsciousness does not emerge from the intellect but manifests through other faculties that are more subtle and sensitive, such as the intuition that lives in the soul and spirit. Our full potential is the superconsciousness; it is, in fact, the Christ within!

On behalf of the entire team, we wish you all a happy Christ birthing.

Co-ordinator of The Aquarian Team.
You can also see many excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube

Issue #67 - A current of life, a current of death

In the Catholic religion, the month of November is entirely devoted to the deceased and praying for the souls of the departed one as well as all Saints.  For those of us, in the Norther Hemisphere, it gets darker sooner every day and nature goes dormant clothed in drab colors waiting for its white blanket to brighten up the days. Also, outdoor activities slow down and we stay indoor longer. It is also a good time to go within. To take stock of where we are at.  
Here is some appropriate "food for thought" on from Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov about finding contentment and gratitude at this time of the year:

There exists a law of affinity which determines that each element is related by its vibrations, its very quintessence, to other elements of the same nature. And this affinity gives you a certain power of attraction. By your thoughts and feelings, you attract beings, elements and events of a like nature.  Your thoughts and feelings, therefore, can cause you to be ground to dust or to become monarch of the world! It’s clear and simple….”
There is a current of life… There is a current of death…
The first stage of death is discontentment. If you are not careful, discontentment can turn into displeasure, and displeasure in turn becomes unhappiness. In the same way, unhappiness becomes pain, and pain can become physical. Physical pain becomes illness and leads to death.
A great deal of distress, regret and remorse accompany each of these stages.
The beginning of eternal life is contentment and gratitude which bring joy. Joy brings peace, tranquility and happiness. These in turn bring strength followed by fulfillment and, finally, eternal life...

This extract was taken from the website of the Universal White in the section : Laws of Affinity. The books by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov are published by Prosveta and are available through Amazon. 

Co-ordinator of The Aquarian Team.

Issue #66 - The Yoga of Nutrition

Everyone knows the importance of eating to sustain our energy and health yet how do people eat most of the time? While talking, in a hurry and even sometimes while arguing which poisons their food. Of course, what we eat is important such as living ingredients which bring more life than dead ingredients. Have you noticed that when you are very hungry, only a few mouthfuls make you feel better already! That is because of the vitality of the food which is extracted by our most important laboratory: the mouth sends a feeling of satisfaction to our physical body. Indeed, the mouth possesses some glands that extract the subtle etheric particles from the food and makes us feel revitalized whereas the grosser particles go to the second laboratory, the stomach to process them.  

  • How to feed to subtle bodies to get the most benefits?

In order to feel more strength, joy and inspiration in our daily life, the practice of Yoga of Nutrition tells us to eat with concentration, in a peaceful ambiance, starting with a blessing over the food so our body vibrates in harmony with it. Then to nourish our astral body, the body of emotion, it is suggested that we feel gratitude for the food that Mother Nature has prepared in her laboratories to sustain us. In return that gratitude will grow in our consciousness and feed the astral body. Then, to nourish the mental body, while concentrating on our food, we can reflect on all the influences the food has received from the cosmos: the sun, the moon, the rain, the warmth, the earth and so forth. In this way, our mental body is nourished through this form of meditation.
Since we normally eat three times a day, it gives us an incredible opportunity to expand our consciousness strengthening our physical body as the food is processed in a nice vibration environment, nourishing our subtle bodies so we can go about our daily activities with peace, joy and inspiration!
I will be hosting a workshop on Nov. 1 in the Toronto area with a theory part such explaining more about the Yoga of Nutrition and a practical part during which we will prepare the food and eat it together.
This concept of the Yoga of Nutrition is presented in 2 books:  the pocket book entitled The Yoga of Nutrition and a hard cover Hrani Yoga, the alchemical and magical meaning of nutrition. Both are by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov and published by Prosveta. They are available through Amazon. If you are in the Toronto area, see the flyer below to join us.

Yoga Nutrition.jpg

Co-ordinator of The Aquarian Team.

Issue #65 - Two ways of helping mankind

People have the impression that there is nothing they can do to help or improve humanity as a whole. The say: ‘There are just too many people; it’s an impossible task’. Yes, of course it is impossible; it is gigantic. But if you learned certain methods, you would see that, all of a sudden it had become possible.

  • Send thoughts of light to heads of State

Most people fling nothing but criticism and abuse at those who bear the burden of government. In fact, in order to amuse the public, newspapers, cabarets and reviews make a point of laughing at political leaders and making them look ridiculous. The result is that these unfortunate leaders are influenced by such a burden of negative, wounding thoughts that they adopt the wrong policies for the country and, of course, the whole population suffers for their mistakes. If you want to help your country, you must touch the person in charge with thoughts of light so that he/she may always be well inspired. You cannot help a whole country, it is too big, but it is enough to help one person, just one. That is much easier. And he/she, in turn will help everybody else, for much depends on that one person. If he/she can promote just laws in the areas of public health, housing and education, the whole population will benefit, all because one person was well inspired!

  • See humanity as a single being

Try to imagine, for instance, that the whole of mankind is condensed into a single being standing there, by your side, and you hold that person’s hand to give quantities of light and love. When you do this, some minute particles go out from your soul, and the love you give this one being reflects on all people and they begin to conceive nobler thoughts and desires in their heart.
If hundreds and thousands of people on earth did this exercise, you would see the breath of a new, divine spirit in all people and, without knowing how or why, they would wake up one day to find themselves completely transformed.
                                                                       ~Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
This excerpt was taken directly from A New Earth: Methods, exercises, formulas and prayers,Prosveta Editions pp. 130-131

You can also see many excerpts of Master Omraam's lectures on YouTube

Issue #64 - Children books based on kindness!

The Master’s teachings came into my life about fifty years ago. Friends, who knew the difference between what is true and what is not, had come upon Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov’s books while visiting France from the US. They knew immediately that this was a great Master and what he said in those books was true.
          Although these friends are no longer here, the influence of this Teaching, through them and through the Master’s books, lives with me and seems to influence everything I do. What I do now is write and illustrate children’s books.
           I hadn’t planned on writing children’s books, however times change. With the closing of my galleries and messages received in dreams, children’s books became my next adventure.
          Never knowing where a story will take me, I just write along and see where it goes. Usually, I’m quite surprised at the outcome. The Master’s Teaching seems to find its way into these stories.
          A Mermaid Tea Party passes on the essential idea of never offering another an empty teacup, sand pail, or anything. And also, that by adding “loving kindness” to any occasion, even to a tea party, you can make a party out of it.
          Positive Pete follows a young boy through his day with mishaps, and ordinary disappointments that he sees as opportunities to improve. Many of the books are about having the right attitude. The Three Sillies (a raccoon, a baboon, and a loon) find that their aversion to each other improves when a butterfly (having come out of its cocoon) advises them to “live with it.” Then there is poor Jim Duncan (Jim Duncan Needs Help) who seeks advice from his father because his living conditions are so wretched. Like the Master had explained in one of his stories, Jim is advised to add a cat, then a dog, a goat, a pig, even a cow, etc. to his household. Then, he is asked to remove each one each day, improving the conditions daily. And what did Jim’s father say to Jim when it was all done? “Attitude is everything! Pick a good one, my son!”
          Let’s Everybody Fish! explains the benefits of a collective effort. Mindful eating is demonstrated in One Green Omelet, Please! as a little girl in a noisy restaurant contemplates her plate of food by imaging all the efforts made by people, nature and the sun that goes into her delicious green omelet, and she is thankful.
          In most cases, I do not pick a subject and then write about it. But in the case of Mr. Getaway and the Sunshiners I wanted to suggest the benefits of contemplating the sun at sunrise. In this book, a group of children are taken on a field trip to the land of the Sunshiners and return with an appreciation of this practice.
          I have done several books to give military families techniques to help alleviate the sadness these children experience upon their parent’s deployment. The princess books in my collection (An Ordinary PrincessThe Princess in My Teacup, and Better than a Princess) all emphasize self-worth and useful behavior – helpfulness, sharing, working together, and kindness. Kindness is an underlying theme; it seems, in all the books, as I look over the list.
          Meeting the mayor of Anaheim, California was a great honor. Mayor Tate had run on a platform of kindness… and won! His administration implemented a culture of kindness throughout the city, including the school system. The results throughout the city have been hugely successful. Every year the school children perform one million acts of kindness. The Monkeys Who Tried Kindness was written for the mayor and those children and captures the importance of this quality… and all in rhyme.
          Recently I met with a woman who is director of the Head Start programs in Denver. We sat together as she read many of the books. Here was someone who finally understood what these books are about and how they can help children. This is what I have been praying for. She explained the desperate situation many of the children are in here in Colorado and probably around the country. She said that in many cases, “School is the only safe place they know.”
          This realization has prompted me to continue my work by creating these books. At the present time, there are over 100 books in the collection (70 stories, over 30 in a multicultural version, and 6 translated into Spanish.) Many of these books are in rhyme and all carry with them some of the essence from the Master’s Teachings. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be useful in such a worthwhile way. Everyone is here to be useful.

Sally Huss, one of our authors in our 2nd book, Awakening, our soul journeys.

PS  We invite you to visit the website Journey with Omraam where you can find resourceful information on the Teaching, the methods and study groups:   


When I was at the Brotherhood center in Quebec last week, where students gather to practice some of the methods of the teaching of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, I heard in one of the video lectures of Master Omraam in which Peter Deunov had said to some of his disciples: “Jesus brought the principles, I bring the methods and Mikhaël will bring the manifestation.”
at does this mean? Let’s begin with the principles that Jesus brought. With his coming came many changes from the current beliefs which were based on the Old Testament: “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” and Jesus recommended turning the other cheek; loving thyself and thy neighbor. He presented God as a Father instead of revengeful Being. So he went above and beyond the teachings of his time. That is why he was rejected by the religious powers and was crucified. Yet, he brought new principles, that of love, compassion, understanding. Moreover, he said “I am the Light” and “He that believes in me, the works that I do, shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my Father.” So he also brought a new wisdom, a new light: the Christ principle. Christ is not a person but a state of consciousness where love and wisdom is the foundation which is available to each one of us to develop, to nurture and to become one with.
As for the methods, Peter Deunov who was raised in an orthodox faith (his father was a priest), pursued his studies in theology in Bulgaria and in Boston where he also studied medicine. Upon his return to Bulgaria he laid the foundation of his teaching by gradually creating forms that corresponded to new ideas: that of respecting nature, being vegetarian, attending sunrise, using music and movement to harmonize body, mind and spirit. Then in 1937, at the eve of WW1, he sent his disciple Mikhaël to France to preserve his teaching and to spread it to the Western world.
Since 1938 the methods have been adapted and expanded to today’s current momentum of life throughout the world where Brotherhood centers have been created for the practice of those methods; where people are part of the world but think differently (no need to live in monasteries or convents to get closer to God); and where brothers and sisters work on their body, mind and spirit while also contributing to the upliftment of all humanity through their harmony and light work. This is my personal understanding of thestatement that Mikhaël will bring the manifestation.

Carmen for The Aquarian Team
PS  We invite you to visit the website Journey with Omraam where you can find resourceful information on the Teaching, the methods and study groups:   

Issue #62 - The light and the Spirit of the 7 colors

In the last few newsletters, we expounded on the subject of light and if you happen to be in the Toronto area or Montreal, I will be giving a talk on this subject at The Point of Light in Newmarket on June 19 and in Montreal on June 21 at the Le Point du Jour au Quartier Latin. See poster lower.
So, to conclude the subject at present, let us take a prism. When the sun shines over a crystal, you see the light refracted in 7 colors as long as the crystal is equilateral and the surface is clean. How does that relate to the importance of light in our spiritual development, you might ask? Let’s say that the prism represents the number 1; the equilateral sides, the number 3; and then the 7 colors. We represent the number 1 as a person, the mind, heart and will represent the number 3 and when these 3 aspects are equally developed if we are pure with impersonal motives we reflect the 7 colors in our aura. The 7 colors are also the 7 Spirits who stand before the throne of God, as it is said in the book of the Zohar. The properties of these 7 colors are:
Red: strength, dynamism and action. It is the Spirit of Life.
Orange: health, vigor, vitality. It is the Spirit of Sanctity.
Yellow: wisdom and knowledge. It is the Spirit of Wisdom.
Green: youth and riches. It is the Spirit of Eternity and Evolution.
Blue: peace and truth. It is the Spirit of Truth. 
Indigo: about the same properties of blue but it is the Spirit of Strength and Royalty.
Violet or purple: all powerful. It is the Spirit of Omnipotence and of Spiritual Love.

We can practice to develop these colors at sunrise because the sun is the best representation of light and of God. It encompasses all colors and all qualities. Also doing this exercise at sunrise is most beneficial because that is when the prana is most abundant. In doing this exercise, not only do we fortify our aura which offers us a great protection but it also becomes a source of blessing for everything and everyone around us. Enjoy practicing this exercise during this sunrise season!                              

Carmen, for The Aquarian Team
This article is based on Light is a living Spirit and Toward a Solar Civilization by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.

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Issue #61 - The Great Invocation

Since we have dedicated couple of issues on the importance of light, it so appropriate to publish The Great Invocation which was given to Alice Bailey in 1945 for all people of goodwill on Earth.

And for those of you interested in the subject of light, I will be doing a presentation at the bookstore A Point of Light in Newmarket on June 19 from 7:00 to 8:30pm.

The Great Invocation with lotus flower.jpg

Issue #60 - Happy Easter, celebration of light!

Dear readers,

How appropriate that Easter is on April 1st this year! So, to carry on last month’s theme on the importance of light in the spiritual life, let us talk about the Body of Glory. 
Initiatic science teaches that the Body of Glory is the body of the resurrection. Those who are familiar with the subtle bodies will recognize that we are composed of the physical body made of matter formed by the mother, the etheric body is nearly physical but of a very fine substance, invisible to the normal eye yet tangible enough to carry sensitivity and vitality to the physical body. Without the etheric body, a person would die. Then, we have the astral body which is the body of desires, feelings and passions, and the mental body which is linked to the intellect. 
On the higher level of our being, in our spiritual bodies or our divine nature, we have the Causal body which is linked to the world of higher reason, wisdom, the world of archetypes; the Buddhic body is the body of selfless love, absolute purity and beatitude (Christ and Buddha are the perfect examples of that love and sacrifice). And finally the Atmic body which is the body of ultimate power and creation.
The Body of Glory is a seed dormant within each one of us. It requires the right conditions to develop and fully manifest. Just like vegetation which requires light, warmth to bring about life, our Body of Glory needs to be given the necessary elements for its development.
In the following diagram, you will see how the lower bodies are linked together with the higher bodies. Sometimes the etheric body is represented within the physical but for the sake of our explanation this illustration shows them separately.

sutbtle bodies.jpg

You see how the etheric and astral bodies are linked to the Buddhic body. We can best strengthen our etheric body by breathing pure air in the early morning when the prana is most abundant, by nourishing ourselves consciously with the light and develop our astral body by practicing unselfish love, abnegation and dedication on the spiritual path. Then the atom of the Body of Glory will be like the seed in a woman’s womb which through her warmth, protection and feeding will grow and develop into the body of light, the immortal body, the Buddhic body. “That is the Resurrection:  the intense life which man gives his Body of Glory by his thinking, feeling and acting, which have been stamped with the seal of Divinity.”  
Again, have a wonderful resurrection today and every day through your inner work!

Carmen, for The Aquarian Team
This text was inspired from the pocket book entitled “Christmas and Easter in the Initiatic Tradition” by Omraam Mikhael Aïvanhov, available through